Weshalb im November 2018 die wichtigsten US-Zwischenwahlen seit Jahrzehnten anstehen

Bei den diesjährigen Midterm Elections geht es nicht nur um das politische Programm des Präsidenten und seiner Partei, sondern angesichts der „disruptiven“ Präsidentschaft Donald Trumps auch grundsätzlich um den Zustand der US-Demokratie. Für die EU wird sich wiederum zeigen, wie nachhaltig die jüngsten Verwerfungen im transatlantischen Verhältnis tatsächlich sein werden.  

Ein Beitrag von Florian Gawehns

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Die prekäre Lage der Republikanischen Partei

Um die Midterm Elections 2018 mit allen Mitteln zu gewinnen, deuten die Republikaner auf ihre Erfolge hin, wie die Besetzung des Verfassungsgerichts und die Steuerreform, während Donald Trumps Verhalten die Außen- und Handelspolitik gefährdet. Doch mangelnde Kritik an Trump sowie die kontroverse Führung der Republikaner im Kongress stellen ein größeres Problem im Kampf um eine Mehrheit dar.  

Ein Beitrag von Orchan Ali-sade

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UK Pen Pal: A Candid Correspondence on Brexit

In this third exchange of ideas on Brexit between two young Europeans, our pen pals argue how Germany on top benefits from European economic integration and whether the UK will be isolated in this globalised world after leaving the EU.

A Correspondence between James Hall and Ulrich Czeranka

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Halbzeitzeugnis für Trump: Was bedeuten die Midterm Elections für Deutschland & Europa?

Die bevorstehenden Halbzeitwahlen zum US-amerikanischen Kongress dienen traditionell als Stimmungstest der amtierenden Administration, werden jedoch auch für Deutschland und Europa weitreichende Folgen haben. Denn auf dem Prüfstand stehen neben der innenpolitischen Agenda auch zahlreiche Kurswechsel auf der außenpolitischen Bühne. Ein Verlust von Senat oder Abgeordnetenhaus würde Präsident Trump in Zukunft zu weitreichenden Zugeständnissen zwingen.

Ein Beitrag von Robert Fisher

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“Wir sind heute in einer Phase des Übergangs”

Am 23. Juni veranstaltet Polis180 fünf Workshops in Berlin und Frankfurt am Main zur deutsch-französischen Beziehung in und für Europa. Eine zentrale Frage wird dabei sein, wie Deutschland und Frankreich gemeinsam die Erneuerung der EU vorantreiben können.

Ein Interview mit Claire Saillour & Dr. Andreas Marchetti

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Putin’s “direct line” with the Russian People: 4.5 Hours in Limbo

Last Thursday at noon sharp the annual spectacle of “direct” communication between the Russian President Vladimir Putin and his subjects took place once again. The most impressive thing about the 4.5 h Q&A was the massive deja-vu effect it caused as it hardly differed from the similar events of the last 17 years.

An Opinion by Anastasia Vishnevskaya

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Allez l’Europe! Polis180 startet deutsch-französische Zukunftswerkstatt

Im Juni veranstalten wir eine Workshopreihe zur Zukunft der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen in und für Europa. Im Rahmen von sechs Workshops in Berlin, Paris und Frankfurt werden junge deutsche und französische EuropäerInnen eingeladen, gemeinsam über die Herausforderungen Europas zu diskutieren, Lösungsvorschläge zu entwickeln und auszutesten.

Ein Beitrag von Claire Saillour

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Why Armenians Call for a Velvet Revolution

For almost a week now, huge rallies have shaken the Armenian capital of Yerevan, where Nikol Pashinyan, one of the leaders of the movement, called for a “velvet revolution”. But will the protesters this time successfully press for democratic accountability?

An Interview with Olya Azatyan and Sonja Schiffers

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Super Election Year in Latin America: Peace, Polls & Populism

2018 marks a decisive year for Latin America with six presidential elections that will reshape the political landscape for the foreseeable future. As the continent shifts to the right and female political leaders depart, the backlash against gender equality and LGBTQ rights becomes inevitable.

A Comment by Lena Riemer

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The Colombian Transformation Process: Why Gender is Key

The end of the Colombian civil war in 2016 and the transformation of the FARC guerrilla into a political party has been met with international praise, especially with regards to the inclusive process focusing on women’s perspectives. While their role is crucial, consequent political events threaten to put this ambitious project in jeopardy.

A Comment by Frauke Seebass

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Russia’s Opposition Drama: Drop the Boycott or Drop the Ballot

A unified democratic opposition could send an important message to the ruling elites in Russia. However, the opposition is deeply divided over the question whether to boycott the elections or go to the ballot. While there is no correct answer to this question, splitting the already tiny democratic camp is definitely the wrong one.

A Comment by Anastasia Vishnevskaya

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“Young People Want to Move Around Europe Freely”

The impact of a hard Brexit on Scotland’s youth and the public in general could shape the country’s future. The lack of clarity within the Brexit negotiations is leading to a battle between Westminster and Holyrood, only worsened by Scotland’s missing seat at the negotiating table.

An Interview with Joan McAlpine and Rhianna Mallia

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Talking Think Tanks and Beyond

What think tanks across the world do is analyse, discuss and inform policy. At the same time, they face many, in some respects increasing, challenges to their core activities. So how should think tanks adapt to a changing world? In which areas is improvement indispensable? And why are think tank directors usually male?

An Interview with Enrique Mendizabal and Sonja Schiffers

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Foreign Policy Review: Polis180 kommentiert neuen Koalitionsvertrag

Bisher hat sich die junge Generation noch nicht öffentlich zu den außenpolitischen Zielen der (möglichen) Großen Koalition geäußert. Dabei bestimmen die Entscheidungen von heute die Realität der Jugend von morgen. Polis180 hat den neuen Koalitionsvertrag mal genauer unter die Lupe genommen und die Vereinbarungen in Sachen Außenpolitik fleißig analysiert.

Politische Statements von Polis-Mitgliedern

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Civil Society Can Do More Than Promote Gender Equality

After Germany held the G20 presidency in 2017, it is now on Argentina to promote female empowerment and civil society engagement. Last December, during the 11th WTO Ministerial meeting, numerous civil society experts were blocked from entering the country. Thus, it remains to be seen how Argentina’s G20 presidency will deal with the fundamental role of civil society.

An Interview with Barbara Fürst, Charlotte Becker and Miriam Meier

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UK Pen Pal: A Candid Correspondence on Brexit

For the second episode of our UK-pen-pal project, where young Europeans can share their view on Brexit, we teamed up with a political science student from France and a language professional from Britain. The vague prospects of Brexit were at the center of part I. This time, our pen pals discuss the benefits, disadvantages and prejudices of a united Europe.

A Correspondence between Camille Duserre and Patrick von Gehm

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UK Pen Pal: A Candid Correspondence on Brexit

This project was born from the idea to bring young people together from across Europe and let them exchange letters, where they can discuss Brexit and share their feelings and concerns about it. We want to couple a pal from the UK with a pal from one of the remaining 27 EU member states and try to connect Brexit supporters with Brexit opponents.

A Correspondence between Rowan Emslie and Saúl Paiz

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How Women in Tech Fight for Development and Good Governance

Georgia has undergone major political and economic reforms since the 2003 Rose Revolution. After years of rapid transformation, the recent decrease in speed seems only natural. Still, many problems are left to tackle. At this stage, donors and investors should keep a close eye on young, tech-savvy social entrepreneurs, whose engagement can inspire change in Georgia and abroad.

A Comment by Sonja Schiffers

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What I Have Learned from Travelling Through Post-2014 Ukraine

I left Berlin for Ukraine in autumn 2016 with the aim of analysing post-Euromaidan civil society organisations and their support for internally displaced people. I travelled through different parts of the country and interviewed several people in Kiev, Dnipro and Kharkiv. Here is what I have learned about the power of civil society.

A Travel Report by Sophie Falsini

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Brexit Heartbreak and the Democratic Deficit

The UK’s decision to exit the EU left our generation feeling bleak and worried about the direct impact Brexit will have on our future. Around 75 percent of the 18- to 24-year-old voted remain. On the other side of the channel, young think tanks like Polis180 and Social Science Works work fervidly to make our voice heard.

An Interview with Sarah Coughlan and Sophie Pornschlegel

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Österreichs Weg aus der Erstarrung

Am Sonntag, den 4. Dezember bittet die österreichische Alpenrepublik ihre BürgerInnen zum nunmehr dritten Mal, ihr Kreuz für ihren Präsidentschaftskandidaten zu setzen. Die Wahl ist innen- wie außenpolitisch eine Richtungsentscheidung mit gesamteuropäischen Konsequenzen.

Ein Beitrag von Diana Klie

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Unraveling Media Bias in the U.S. Elections

Amidst fierce divisions, there’s at least one outcome of the 2016 presidential election that seems to have left everyone equally dissatisfied: the media coverage surrounding it. What made this year so contentious, and how did both sides end up feeling like they got a raw deal?

A Comment by Tori Dykes

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