Creating inclusive societies through cross sector cooperation

An analysis by Nora Pohl
with Rima Beridze, Linda Beridze, Ana Sikhashvili, Dima Karchava, Nino Odisharia, Anna Sakhokia, Giorgi Kemularia, Mariam Jghamadze and Mariam Bolkvadze

In Georgia, people with disabilities face multiple challenges when it comes to participating in public and social life. Two groups of young people from different Georgian regions prove that through innovative ideas and cooperation with experienced experts, these challenges can be tackled.

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Sustainable and inclusive growth as the key to social cohesion and territorial parity in Georgia

An analysis by Jonas Nitschke
with Tamta Chankseliani, Salome Artmeladze, Tamar Papava, Tamar Rekhviashvili, David Aludauri, Nika Kratsashvili, Grisha Labadze and Sandro Jibladze

Despite some progress, Georgia continues to face major political and economic challenges. . Unemployment is on the rise, and the economic and social consequences of the pandemic were severe. Nevertheless, two groups of young innovators in Kobuleti and Baghdadi showed their creativity to show their Municipalities’ economic potential.

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Digital transformation, youth engagement and cross-sectoral cooperation

An analysis by Esther Kern
with Gvantsa Sikharulidze, Nino Uturashvili, Piqria Lomjaria, Nutsa Karseladze, Giorgi Tchabukiani, and Vasil Karseladze

The ongoing digital transformation has profound impacts on our economies, politics, and civil society, including youth engagement. Where and how young people engage changed over time,requiring new skill sets and partnerships. Cross-sectoral cooperation with private companies and other actors can help to equip young civil society actors with the necessary skills to lead the changes they want to see in society and politics.

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#Youth4climatechange Ways ahead: The EU green deal?

With the adoption of the EU Green Deal and Eastern Partnership Initiative, the EU is putting forward an ambitious agenda to fight climate change within and beyond its borders. But what does the Green Deal mean for Georgia´s transformation process, and how can Georgian youth join forces with other actors to effectively tackle the effects of climate change?

An analysis by Jil Kaiser
with Khatia Gabinashvili, Salome Kushashvili, Tamta Gabinashvili, Giorgi Mokverashvili, Ana Baidauri, Madina Alkhanashvili, Iman Sviakauri & Mari Margoshvili

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Du pareil au même ? Frankreichs Parteienlandschaft im Wandel

Die Parlamentswahlen im Juni dieses Jahres haben Frankreichs Politik (wieder einmal) grundlegend aufgemischt – und sind auch an den Parteien nicht spurlos vorbeigegangen. Noch mehr als drei Monate nach dem zweiten Wahlgang – sind die damals angestoßenen Veränderungen in vollem Gange. Doch was steckt dahinter, und passiert so etwas öfter? Ein Blick auf die Eigenheiten des französischen Parteiensystems.

Eine Kolumne von Lukas Hochscheidt und Etienne Höra

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Blicke in die Vergangenheit: Vor den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Brasilien

Die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2022 in Brasilien finden in einem stark polarisierten Umfeld statt. Der rechte Amtsinhaber Jair Bolsonaro liegt dabei in den Umfragen weit hinter seinem linken Wettbewerber, dem Ex-Präsidenten Luis Inacio Lula da Silva. Beide Kandidaten stehen für eine unterschiedliche Sicht auf die Zukunft – und bedienen sich doch beide Ideen aus der Vergangenheit.

Ein Beitrag von Lars Feyen

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Die Republik der relativen Mehrheit – Frankreich nach der Parlamentswahl

In der Blogserie “La Grande Nation” widmen sich Etienne Höra und Lukas Hochscheidt einmal im Monat Legenden und Mythen, die sich hierzulande über unseren wichtigsten Nachbarn erzählt werden. Lebt man zwischen Ärmelkanal und Côte d’Azur wirklich “wie Gott in Frankreich”? Oder ist das “savoir vivre” nicht das einzige Missverständnis, das sich im deutschen Frankreich-Bild hartnäckig hält? Hier erfahrt ihr, was ihr alles nicht über Frankreichs neu gewähltes Parlament wisst – und vielleicht sogar noch etwas mehr. 

Eine Kolumne von Lukas Hochscheidt und Etienne Höra

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Je t’aime… moi non plus — Wieso die Deutschen Frankreich nicht verstehen (und es gar nicht merken)

In der Blogserie “La Grande Nation” widmen sich Etienne Höra und Lukas Hochscheidt einmal im Monat Legenden und Mythen, die sich hierzulande über unseren wichtigsten Nachbarn erzählt werden. Lebt man zwischen Ärmelkanal und Côte d’Azur wirklich “wie Gott in Frankreich”? Oder ist das “savoir vivre” nicht das einzige Missverständnis, das sich im deutschen Frankreich-Bild hartnäckig hält? Hier erfahrt ihr, was ihr alles nicht über Frankreich wisst – und vielleicht sogar noch etwas mehr. 

Eine Kolumne von Lukas Hochscheidt und Etienne Höra

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#diversityEUnited: Unsere Projekte für Minderheitenrechte in der Ukraine

Diskriminierung von Binnenvertriebenen, das Recht auf Bildung für Rom*nja-Kinder und die Problematik der Abwanderung die Herausforderungen für marginalisierte junge Menschen sind vielfältig. Umso sehr freuen wir uns, dass die Teilnehmenden unserer Workshopreihe “diversityEUnited” kreative Lösungen für diese drängenden Probleme gefunden haben.

Ein Bericht von Nora Pohl

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Chile’s social democratic hope

In the Chilean presidential elections last December, Gabriel Boric, the 35-year-old former student activist and social democrat, defeated the candidate of the far right, José Kast. The victory of the new Chilean president means hope, but also many challenges for Chile’s future.

A comment by Leonel Bustamante

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#diversityEUnited: ”Minderheitenrechte sind Menschenrechte!”

„Europäischer Minderheitenschutz“ und „Antidiskriminierungsgesetz“ – wie können junge Menschen, die einer Minderheit oder marginalisierten Gruppe angehören, in Europa für ihre Rechte und Forderungen eintreten? In der deutsch-georgisch-ukrainischen Online-Workshopreihe #diversityEUnited ging es genau darum: Empowerment, ein Bewusstsein über die eigenen Rechte und die Entwicklung kreativer Projektideen, um den Stimmen von Minderheiten Gehör zu verschaffen.

Ein Bericht von Nora Pohl

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Georgia’s 2021 local elections: Youth at the democratic front line

Youth in Georgia is rarely involved in policy processes, both caused by and adding to political nihilism. This attitude was further amplified by a political crisis following the parliamentary elections in October 2020. Our joint Georgian-German project #GEOYOUTH2020 has engaged young people across the country in a conversation on how to amplify youth political engagement. As the next step in the run-up to the local elections in 2021, they take action in their communities this year!

A Preliminary Analysis by Anna Kiknadze & Frauke Seebass

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New political perspectives for Taiwan after the COVID-19 Pandemic

For decades, Taiwan has been struggling for international recognition, becoming increasingly isolated politically. Yet its widely praised management of the COVID-19 crisis may have opened new doors for diplomatic ties. A year into the pandemic, we take a look at the background of Taiwan’s current international standing, and how new bilateral cooperation initiatives might lead to more political support for its independence.

A Comment by Sophie Bisping

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“The Vaccinated States of America”

Within a year the United States has advanced from Covid-19 hotspot to vaccination champion. While the willingness to receive a vaccination depends firmly on party affiliation, the U.S. has mastered the development, distribution, and administration of the vaccines in record time. Addressing skepticism early on and providing comprehensive communication strategies have supported the quest for mass vaccination. Are there potential lessons to be drawn for Europe’s vaccination progress?

A Comment by Robin Haug and Franziska Riel

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Quo vadis, GOP?

Donald Trump’s election loss now formally removed him from office after just four years. Whether this defeat will diminish his influence on the Republican Party is yet to be seen. The Grand Old Party (GOP) stands at the crossroads of its own future.

A Comment by Robin Haug

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foraus’ grassroots volunteering under COVID-19

Volunteers are at the heart of foraus. What can be done when this heartbeat gets irregular and struggles to pump the necessary blood to keep the grassroots think tank alive? In what way has technology helped to preserve voluntary engagement? Sounds interesting? Then read on.

A Comment by Wailea Zülch

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Our COVID-19 strategy: How Agora embraced digital transformation

Agora was founded on grassroots participation. For us, this means having open, inclusive discussions about foreign policy with people of all ages, backgrounds, and political views in order to influence foreign policy. Our in-person meet ups have been an integral part of our founding and continual growth. We prized the welcoming warmth of meeting together, in informal settings, to ask the big questions about our world.

A Comment by Preeti Pasricha and Bingxing Liu

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Participation for future: Youth in party politics in Germany, Georgia and beyond

Party politics is losing touch with civil society, most prominently youth. During the past months, we have discussed actions to include young people and their diverse positions on contemporary issues in politics with youth and young experts in Georgia and Germany. It has become clear that new forms of interaction between these increasingly disconnected groups are needed – and that the time is now!

A Comment by Frauke Seebass and Anna Kiknadze

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May a hard Brexit clear the air after all?

Since the United Kingdom in 2016 voted not to remain in the European Union, Britain and the rest of Europe seem to move further apart, especially with a no-deal Brexit. Though we may learn more about each other during the transition period. I spoke to our sister-think tank in the UK about topics that are crucial in the eyes of young foreign policy experts.

An Interview with AK Glück and Agora

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Ist Deutschland bereit für vier weitere Jahre Trump?

Alle vier Jahre blickt die Welt gespannt auf die Wahlen eines Landes. So auch dieses Jahr, wenn in den USA wieder knapp 240 Millionen Wahlberechtigte zur Wahl des nächsten Präsidenten, des Repräsentantenhauses sowie 1/3 aller SenatorInnen aufgerufen sind. Ein Rückblick auf die US-Wahlnacht 2020 und ihre Bedeutung für die deutsche Außenpolitik.

Ein Beitrag von Esther Kern und Julius Kerkhoff

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Georgia’s youth is taking European association to another level

In this article, we highlight the role of Germany and #EU2020DE in the framework of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) with a focus on Georgia and our ongoing project #GEOYOUTH2020 – ‘Manifesto Engaging Youth in Politics in Georgia’, while discussing the role of funding for civil society cooperation to support democratisation processes in the region.

A Comment by AK Glück and Frauke Seebass

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Political apathy in Georgia: Why don’t young people vote?

As the 2020 Parliamentary Elections approach, low electoral and political participation among young people remains an issue. Topics of interest to young people are rarely addressed – either in party rhetoric, or at the level of governing. Additionally, young people, whose votes could influence the elections results, often do not participate in the electoral process – what is the reason for their low electoral participation?

A Comment by Nino Samkharadze

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Rebuilding Syria: Torn between Assad’s grip on power and new visions

Since its official announcement in 2017, reconstruction has been used as a political tool of the regime to cement Bashar al-Assad’s power. But what could an alternative rehabilitation plan look like and what are basic requirements? To achieve sustainable peace, Syria needs to reform its political structure and guarantee participation on the local level.

A Comment by Pauline Raabe and Pauline Ertel

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Frauen, Frieden und Sicherheit im Nahostkonflikt: intersektional denken!

Der Nahostkonflikt scheint unlösbar – nicht erst seit US-Präsident Trumps „Deal of the Century oder den Annexionsplänen der israelischen Regierung von Teilen der Westbank. Zum 20. Jubiläum der Resolution 1325 des UN-Sicherheitsrats machen wir Vorschläge für eine intersektionale Konfliktbearbeitung, die die Verschränkung verschiedener Diskriminierungsformen in den Blick nimmt. Auch Deutschland kann hier aktiver werden.

Ein Beitrag von Alina Zurmühlen und Dilek Gürsel

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“The moment we decide to fulfil something, we can do anything*”

Political parties in Georgia mostly fail to include young people in their work, while youth often distrust party politics and rarely organise in institutionalised forms of activism. #GEOYOUTH2020 looks at the causes of their absence from party politics and aims at making young voices heard in the run-up to the 2020 parliamentary elections.

An Analysis by Sonja Schiffers & Frauke Seebass

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