Brüsseler Bahnhof: Fueling Change: Inside Europe’s Hydrogen Economy – Ruud Kempener, European Commission

Brüsseler Bahnhof

Folge 22: Fueling Change: Inside Europe’s Hydrogen Economy – Ruud Kempener, European Commission

Step into the dynamic world of Europe’s hydrogen economy in this thought-provoking episode. We’re joined by Ruud Kempener from Commissioner Kadri Simson’s cabinet, offering unique insights into the continent’s hydrogen landscape.


Our conversation takes you on a journey through Europe’s ambitious efforts to bolster its hydrogen economy. Explore the legislative initiatives that are driving change and the innovative markets emerging from these endeavors, including the significant role played by the European Hydrogen Bank.


But, as with any transformative journey, there are challenges to navigate. As such, we also dive deep into the potential new dependencies and bottlenecks that could arise in the pursuit of a sustainable hydrogen future.


Join us for a comprehensive discussion that illuminates the promises, the intricacies of policy, and the complexities surrounding Europe’s hydrogen journey. Gain a profound understanding of the opportunities and hurdles that shape the future of Europe’s energy markets.


This episode is an essential listen for anyone intrigued by the intersection of sustainability, innovation, and policy in Europe’s hydrogen economy. Don’t miss out on this engaging exploration of one of the continent’s most promising energy frontiers.“


#Hydrogen #EnergyTransition #Sustainability #Podcast #BrüsselerBahnhof #EuropeanCommission #Innovation #EuropeanEconomicPolicy #Polis180 #ThinkTank


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Contributing: Lukas Seelig, Moritz Pohl and Janik Gast 


This Polis180 podcast reflects the views only of the authors. The responsibility for the content lies with the authors.


The theme music was recorded by Maximilian Below. Other sound effects: „Steam Train“ and „Sliding Door“ by Daniel Simon via


You can find the BUDG-Committee’s take on the Draft Opinion of the ITRE-Committee’s Position rg. the European Hydrogen Bank here.

You can find POLITICO’s event “Is Europe loosing the hydrogen race?” – in which Ruud also participated here

You can find Euractiv’s event “Navigating the Energy Transition – Implementing Clean Hydrogen Initiatives the EU” here

You can find the the “State of the Union address” (SOTEU) of commissioner president Ursula von der Leyen here

You can find out more about the European Commission’s approach to hydrogen here

Chatzimarkakis, Jorgo, et al. „Hydrogen Act Towards the creation of the European Hydrogen Economy.“ (2021).

Falcone, Pasquale Marcello, Michael Hiete, and Alessandro Sapio. „Hydrogen economy and sustainable development goals: Review and policy insights.“ Current opinion in green and sustainable chemistry 31 (2021): 100506.

van der Spek, Mijndert, et al. „Perspective on the hydrogen economy as a pathway to reach net-zero CO 2 emissions in Europe.“ Energy & Environmental Science 15.3 (2022): 1034-1077.

EUR-LEX, A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe, 08.07.2020, Link

Kersten Knipp, New India-EU trade route: Bringing the Gulf states closer?, Deutsche Welle (DW), 23.09.2023, Link

Kurmayer, Nicolaus J., EU’s hydrogen economy struggles to pick up pace, Euractiv, 07.09.2023, Link

Deloitte, Green hydrogen: Energizing the path to net zero – Deloitte’s 2023 global green hydrogen outlook, 19.06.2023, Link

Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission, Upcoming EU Hydrogen Bank pilot auction: European Commission publishes Terms & Conditions, 30.08.2023, Link


Hier geht’s zu den anderen Folgen des Brüsseler Bahnhofs:

Episode 1: Europa und Du 

Episode 2: Die EU in unserem Alltag

Episode 3: Das Europäische Parlament

Episode 4: Parteien, Spitzenkandidat*innen und Wahlprogramme

Episode 5: Europäische Digitalisierungspolitik 

Episode 6: Europäische Klimapolitik 

Episode 7: Die Europäische Union zwischen Nationalismus und der Republik Europa

Episode 8: Das soziale Europa

Episode 9: Europäische Außenperspektive(n): Migration

Episode 10: Europäische Außenperspektive(n): Die Östliche Partnerschaft der EU 

Episode 11: Sonderausgabe: Die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft

Episode 12: Europäische Außenperspektive(n): Frauen*rechte und Feminismus

Episode 13: EU & die Afrikanische Union – eine Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe ?

Episode 14: Fernreisen: (Wie) passen die EU und China zusammen? 

Episode 15: Sonderausgabe: Junge Menschen für Europa

Episode 16: Fernreisen: EU & USA – ein Neustart? 

Episode 17: Fernreisen: EU & Russland – zwischen Nähe und Spannungen?

Episode 18: Die EU – ein historisches Friedensprojekt

Episode 19: Die CETA-Chroniken: Ein erfolgreiches Handelsabkommen