Polis Paper N° 21 – Community, Accountability, and Independence

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 20 – The Media of Tomorrow

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 19 – Creative Labour & Digital Gig Work

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 18 – Creators, Educators, and Technologists

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation workshops … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 17 – Web3 x Culture

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation workshops … Weiterlesen …

Polis Brief N°26 – Are we prepared for a HireGPT to enter the HR-Department?
 Shortcomings in the Artificial Intelligence Act?

Automating hiring processes with the help of AI promises not only to significantly reduce hiring costs for companies and find more suitable employees, but also to reduce HR bias, creating a fairer application system. While this seems like a financial and economic dream for employers, job seekers could also look forward to a more efficient … Weiterlesen …

Digitale Souveränität: politisches Buzzword, akademische Mode oder Zukunft der Digitalpolitik?

Der NSA-Abhörskandal, die Marktmacht amerikanischer Technologiekonzerne, der Vorsprung chinesischer Hersteller im Bereich der 5G-Netze oder ein andauernder Mangel an Mikrochips – all diese Ereignisse haben Forderungen nach “Digitaler Souveränität”, also Unabhängigkeit und Eigenständigkeit in der Digitalpolitik, laut werden lassen. Aber was bedeutet das genau? Welche Maßnahmen müssten hier getroffen werden, und wer profitiert? 

Ein Bericht von Etienne Höra und Anke Obendiek

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foraus’ grassroots volunteering under COVID-19

Volunteers are at the heart of foraus. What can be done when this heartbeat gets irregular and struggles to pump the necessary blood to keep the grassroots think tank alive? In what way has technology helped to preserve voluntary engagement? Sounds interesting? Then read on.

A Comment by Wailea Zülch

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Central bank digital currencies: The state of play in China and Asia-Pacific

Central banks across Asia-Pacific are in the process of building the world’s first central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and – with China at the helm of this monetary revolution – the future of money may soon become re-defined. This article will analyse the fast paced CBDC developments in the most dynamic region on earth.

A Comment by Thaddeus Jahn and Peter Müller

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Our COVID-19 strategy: How Agora embraced digital transformation

Agora was founded on grassroots participation. For us, this means having open, inclusive discussions about foreign policy with people of all ages, backgrounds, and political views in order to influence foreign policy. Our in-person meet ups have been an integral part of our founding and continual growth. We prized the welcoming warmth of meeting together, in informal settings, to ask the big questions about our world.

A Comment by Preeti Pasricha and Bingxing Liu

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Eine Aufsicht gegen die “Schlupflöcher” des Binnenmarkts? Wie Europa gegen Geldwäsche vorgehen will

Ob Panama oder Paradise Papers, Lux oder Swiss Leaks, Russian oder Azerbaijani Laundromat und zu guter Letzt “Golden Visa” und “FinCEN Files”: Die letzten Jahre haben nicht wenige Skandale zu globaler Geldwäsche unter Beteiligung von Europas Banken und Jurisdiktionen ans Licht gebracht. Kann Deutschlands Vorsitz im Rat der EU die Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche auf EU-Ebene vorantreiben?

Ein Beitrag von Peter Müller

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On a slippery slope: Mobility in the wake of Covid-19

The coronavirus brought the entire travel and mobility industry to a halt. Regional lockdowns and travel restrictions affect mobility on all levels, which leaves us wondering: do all forms of mobility suffer the same? Instead of focusing on one organisation, this time our focus goes to an entire industry. Are there sectors performing better during the pandemic and if so, what does that mean for the future of mobility?

A Comment by Kolin Schunck and Nicole Stein

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Reine (Re)Form-Sache? Die Nachhaltigkeit der GAP in der Kritik

Vom 20. bis zum 23. Oktober hat der seit Juli unter deutschem Vorsitz stehende Rat der Europäischen Union über eine umfassende Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) abgestimmt. Die dieses Jahr anstehende strukturelle Überarbeitung hatte allerdings nicht nur den wie alle sieben Jahre “klassischen” Reformbedarf, sondern musste vielmehr Bezug auf die durch die Covid-19-Krise befeuerten Krisensymptome nehmen. 

Ein Beitrag von Lukas Seelig

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O Captain! My Captain! – Navigating e-learning and its pitfalls

Remote working is hardly limited to paid labour or office work. Many people all over the globe spent their time working in education: in schools, universities, or vocational schools. Rising Covid-19 cases and consequential lockdowns in various countries forced educational institutions to adapt to a new way of management and teaching at an unprecedented scale. Often with varying degrees of success.

A Comment by Christoph M. Abels and Nicole Stein 

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Die europäische Automobilindustrie zwischen Rezession und Modernisierung

Mit dem europäischen Grünen Deal bekennt sich die EU zu den Pariser Klimazielen: Bis 2050 soll die Wirtschaft klimaneutral werden. Das bedeutet auch einen Wandel für die Automobilindustrie in Europa, die besonders wegen der vielen Arbeitsplätze einen wichtigen Stellenwert hat. Neben Elektroautos muss der öffentliche Personennahverkehr ausgebaut werden, damit Mobilität nachhaltig gestaltet wird.

Ein Beitrag von Luisa Maschlanka

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Digital Fashion Week: An opportunity or in emergency only?

The EU Circular Action Plan includes textiles as one of its high-pressure subjects. The European Commission is eager to support innovation in associated industries (primarily fashion) to achieve authority in sustainable textiles. This goal comprises new business models and therewith also digitisation. But is fashion ready for long-term change?

A Comment by Nicole Stein and Diane Pernet

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Organisational transformation during the pandemic

Digital development accelerated over the last couple of months due to the Covid-19 pandemic that made adjustments inevitable. How have organisations changed around the globe? What are the strategies to cope with changing needs of a more digitalised society? 

A Comment by Christoph M. Abels and Nicole Stein

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Ohne sozialen Austausch und Kooperation keine Demokratie

Seit einigen Jahren ist eine Polarisierung von Parteiensystemen zu beobachten. Ein möglicher Grund für die Abgrenzung der Parteien voneinander ist die soziale Isolation der Wählenden in ihren gesellschaftlichen Gruppen. Für eine zusammenhaltende Gesellschaft müssen deshalb Anreize zum Austausch in der Bevölkerung und Räume für Kooperation gestärkt werden.

Ein Kommentar von Jan Osenberg

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European cyber security month: A review of cybersecurity policy in the EU 

The new EU Commission made cybersecurity a priority and shared its first roadmap for the future of cybersecurity within the EU. The years ahead promise further initiatives, which will focus on the newly emerging 5G mobile network and improving information sharing on cyber risks as well as developing further on existing mitigation strategies in order to protect European critical infrastructures. 

A Comment by Esther Kern and Susanne Zels

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No country for old men: Die Europawahl 2019 in Zahlen

Die diesjährige Europawahl stand ganz im Zeichen der Klimakrise und junger Menschen, die zu zehntausenden auf die Straße gingen. Doch wo haben die WählerInnen in Deutschland letztlich ihr Kreuz gemacht? Und zeigt sich der Protest junger Menschen auch an der Wahlurne? Der Bundeswahlleiter hat zu diesen Fragen nun die Daten geliefert.

Ein Kommentar von Christoph Abels mit Grafiken des Einfachen Dienstes

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We are here today developing ideas – that is a luxury!


Daniel Hardegger, co-founder and former board member of Polis180 e.V., was the opening keynote speaker at the 10. Changemakers Summit in Tartu, Estonia, at the beginning of June. He spoke about the future of democracy, the changing public space and the next generation of leaders. Andrei Liimets of the Estonian Good Citizen magazine asked the Swiss visionary about these issues.

An Interview with Andrei Liimets and Daniel Hardegger 

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Diagnosis: Polarisation? Call for Polis Blog articles #EP2019

The 2019 European Parliament elections led to a further erosion of political power of the former catch-all parties and indicate an increasing political polarisation in Europe. Let’s have a closer look: are we in fact becoming more polarised? If so, what are potential consequences and what can be done about it? If not, how can we describe the phenomenon better? 

It’s your turn to shape the debate!

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Allez l’Europe! Polis180 startet deutsch-französische Zukunftswerkstatt

Im Juni veranstalten wir eine Workshopreihe zur Zukunft der deutsch-französischen Beziehungen in und für Europa. Im Rahmen von sechs Workshops in Berlin, Paris und Frankfurt werden junge deutsche und französische EuropäerInnen eingeladen, gemeinsam über die Herausforderungen Europas zu diskutieren, Lösungsvorschläge zu entwickeln und auszutesten.

Ein Beitrag von Claire Saillour

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