Fokus Japan: Wenn die Zugbrücke hochgeht

Japan hat mit seinen Grenzschließungen einen extremen Weg bei der Bewältigung der Corona-Krise gewählt. Der praktische Einwanderungsstopp kehrt dabei zaghafte Reformen der vergangenen Jahre um. Es könnte zudem ein Zeichen für Japans allgemein begrenztes Engagement in der internationalen Gemeinschaft sein.

Eine Kolumne von Lars Feyen

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Chile’s social democratic hope

In the Chilean presidential elections last December, Gabriel Boric, the 35-year-old former student activist and social democrat, defeated the candidate of the far right, José Kast. The victory of the new Chilean president means hope, but also many challenges for Chile’s future.

A comment by Leonel Bustamante

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Im Zentrum der Macht: Das politische Erbe von Shinzō Abe

Japan ist eine Demokratie, die durch ihre Eigentümlichkeiten auffällt. Kein Politiker personifiziert diese Besonderheiten so offensichtlich wie der scheinbare Ultranationalist Shinzō Abe. Tobias Harris hat dem ehemaligen Premierminister mit seiner Biografie ein kritisches, in Teilen jedoch auch wohlwollendes Denkmal gesetzt.

Ein Kolumne von Lars Feyen

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Digitale Souveränität: politisches Buzzword, akademische Mode oder Zukunft der Digitalpolitik?

Der NSA-Abhörskandal, die Marktmacht amerikanischer Technologiekonzerne, der Vorsprung chinesischer Hersteller im Bereich der 5G-Netze oder ein andauernder Mangel an Mikrochips – all diese Ereignisse haben Forderungen nach “Digitaler Souveränität”, also Unabhängigkeit und Eigenständigkeit in der Digitalpolitik, laut werden lassen. Aber was bedeutet das genau? Welche Maßnahmen müssten hier getroffen werden, und wer profitiert? 

Ein Bericht von Etienne Höra und Anke Obendiek

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#diversityEUnited: ”Minderheitenrechte sind Menschenrechte!”

„Europäischer Minderheitenschutz“ und „Antidiskriminierungsgesetz“ – wie können junge Menschen, die einer Minderheit oder marginalisierten Gruppe angehören, in Europa für ihre Rechte und Forderungen eintreten? In der deutsch-georgisch-ukrainischen Online-Workshopreihe #diversityEUnited ging es genau darum: Empowerment, ein Bewusstsein über die eigenen Rechte und die Entwicklung kreativer Projektideen, um den Stimmen von Minderheiten Gehör zu verschaffen.

Ein Bericht von Nora Pohl

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An ever greener Union: The EU, carbon pricing and India

As a paradigm shift of EU policy-making, the European Green Deal entails considerable policy ramifications in terms of external action – particularly through the EU’s economy’s green transformation and thus, changing trade regulations, production and consumption patterns. Polarised reactions to the proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) raise the question of how global sustainability can be ensured, in terms of environmental, economic and foreign policy-making.

A comment by Anna-Loreen Mondorf

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Pivoting east? A new chapter for the European project in the Indo-Pacific

Young Indo Pacific – Forward-looking perspectives on the EU Indo-Pacific Strategy” was an event series taking place from the 26th to the 28th of November, 2021. Polis180, European Guanxi and STEAR – with the support of several other youth organisations across Europe and Asia hosted multiple panel discussions on topics regarding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and provided students and young professionals with a platform to be heard in international politics.

A comment by Adith Scrinivason and James Farquharson

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Shamayel Shalizi: „Not being able to go home is one of the worst pains on earth“

A few days before our Polis-Teatime Lights out in Afghanistan: Which options for Afghan artists?, Polis member Claire Saillour met with Shamayel Shalizi (designer, multimedia artist, founder of the platform Blingistan), who is trying to build bridges between the Afghan diaspora and people in Afghanistan with formats such as “Diaspora passing”. She asked her how she is experiencing the changes in her home country Afghanistan and how it affects her personally.

An conversation between Shamayel Shalizi and Claire Saillour

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Nautical views of the Arctic’s value and vulnerability

Today’s geopolitical strategists accelerate a new reality, in which the Arctic will play a vital role in international relations amid concerns over new energy resources, climate change and alternative shipping routes. Who are the main actors in the Arctic? What implications have Russian-U.S. relations and what is the European Union’s overall Arctic strategy?

An analysis by AK Glück

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„100 Jahre Kommunistische Partei Chinas – Revolution, Reform und Realpolitik“

Am 24. August 2021 veranstaltete unser Programm connectingAsia eine Podiumsdiskussion zum 100. Jubiläum der KPCh. Katja Drinhausen, Dr. Marina Rudyak und Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert diskutierten dabei mit uns über Strategien, Narrative und Technologien, mit denen sich die Partei legitimieren will: innenpolitisch, international und im digitalen Raum.

Ein Bericht von Etienne Höra und Frederik Schmitz

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Between pragmatism and uncertainty: The Taliban as Beijing’s lesser evil

As the United States and NATO have left Afghanistan, other great regional powers such as China, Russia, Pakistan or Iran are entering negotiations with the new Taliban leadership. Beijing’s diplomacy favours the Taliban as an uncertain but stable partner. It remains open, however, if the pragmatic strategy to cooperate with the extremist group will be the right decision to secure their own national interests.

A Comment by Marius Kretzschmar, Jonas Nitschke and David Weyl

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Angela Merkel’s feminist legacy? Moving away from the status quo in foreign policy

The German federal elections in September 2021 will mark the end of the 16-year Merkel era. Angela Merkel was not only the first East German and the first scientist, but also the first woman in the federal chancellery. What does it mean for German foreign policy that Angela Merkel was a woman chancellor? Will she perhaps even leave a feminist legacy? And what should the next chancellor do?

A Comment by Maike Laengenfelder and Karoline Färber

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Angela Merkels feministisches Erbe? Weg vom außenpolitischen Status quo nach der Bundestagswahl

Im September 2021 endet nach 16 Jahren die Ära Merkel. Angela Merkel war nicht nur die erste Ostdeutsche und die erste Naturwissenschaftlerin, sondern auch die erste Frau im Bundeskanzler*innenamt. Was bedeutet es für die deutsche Außenpolitik, dass mit ihr eine Frau Bundeskanzlerin war? Hinterlässt sie vielleicht sogar ein feministisches Erbe? Und was sollte der*die nächste Kanzler*in tun?

Ein Kommentar von Maike Laengenfelder und Karoline Färber

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RCEP – Trade for all? Vier Erkenntnisse zu Handel und Entwicklung in Asien

Mit der Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) soll in Asien die größte Freihandelszone der Welt entstehen. Sie umfasst nicht nur 30 Prozent der weltweiten Produktionsleistung, sondern auch so unterschiedliche Länder wie China, Singapur, Australien und Laos. Das Abkommen ist mit großen Hoffnungen verbunden: Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten sollen breiten gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand ermöglichen.

Ein Beitrag von Etienne Höra

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Georgia’s 2021 local elections: Youth at the democratic front line

Youth in Georgia is rarely involved in policy processes, both caused by and adding to political nihilism. This attitude was further amplified by a political crisis following the parliamentary elections in October 2020. Our joint Georgian-German project #GEOYOUTH2020 has engaged young people across the country in a conversation on how to amplify youth political engagement. As the next step in the run-up to the local elections in 2021, they take action in their communities this year!

A Preliminary Analysis by Anna Kiknadze & Frauke Seebass

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Mexico’s 2021 midterm elections: Between Feminist Foreign Policy and domestic gender inequalities

Known for its very high rates of violence against women (the number of femicides has been rising dramatically for years), Mexico yet attracts attention at the international level for its strong commtiment to gender equality, especially by adopting a Feminist Foreign Policy in 2020. We want to take stock of the situation and examine how the country’s Feminist Foreign Policy aligns with the domestic situation.

A Comment by Joanna Bedersdorfer, Sophie Domres and Helena Lüer

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New political perspectives for Taiwan after the COVID-19 Pandemic

For decades, Taiwan has been struggling for international recognition, becoming increasingly isolated politically. Yet its widely praised management of the COVID-19 crisis may have opened new doors for diplomatic ties. A year into the pandemic, we take a look at the background of Taiwan’s current international standing, and how new bilateral cooperation initiatives might lead to more political support for its independence.

A Comment by Sophie Bisping

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Ghosn, the Taylors and the Japanese criminal justice system

In addition to the politics of alliances of industrial „national champions“, the case of Carlos Ghosn has again shed light on the Japanese criminal justice system. So much so, that the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has issued a report in which it condemns the legal and executive practices used by prosecutors in the Ghosn-case. The fact that the UN is weighing in also stresses the high-profile nature of the case itself and its international relevance.

A Comment by Lars Feyen and Paul Guthmann

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“The Vaccinated States of America”

Within a year the United States has advanced from Covid-19 hotspot to vaccination champion. While the willingness to receive a vaccination depends firmly on party affiliation, the U.S. has mastered the development, distribution, and administration of the vaccines in record time. Addressing skepticism early on and providing comprehensive communication strategies have supported the quest for mass vaccination. Are there potential lessons to be drawn for Europe’s vaccination progress?

A Comment by Robin Haug and Franziska Riel

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Spirited away? Carlos Ghosn, the Japanese legal system and the hunt for universal rule of law

The arrest of ex-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn in 2018 and his subsequent escape from Japan by private plane have made for one of the most spectacular criminal cases in recent times. While the affair kept international observers and UN panels occupied, Ghosn actually accused the Japanese state and his former employer of nothing less than violations of human rights and a vast conspiracy against his person. 

A Comment by Lars Feyen and Paul Guthmann

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Von Dakar bis Islamabad: Das neue Programm „WANA, Sahel & Beyond“

Die Regionen Westasien und Nordafrika (WANA) sowie Sahel sind immens geschichtsträchtig und sehr bedeutend für die europäische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Der daraus resultierenden Bedeutung möchte Polis180 mit der Gründung des neuen Programms WANA, Sahel & Beyond Rechnung tragen. In der Programmarbeit wollen wir Politikempfehlungen aus Sicht junger Menschen konzipieren und im Rahmen von Events, Blogartikeln und Papern gestalten. 

Ein Beitrag von Jakob Bajohr, Paul Dießelberg, Lisa Erlmann und Stephan Naumann

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How the European Commission frames migration

For years, the EU and its Member States have been deeply divided over issues of migration and asylum. Last September, the Commission presented the New Pact on Migration and Asylum (the Pact) as a ‘fresh start’. The proposed policies shall normalise migration so that it will eventually become another “boring” EU policy. While there is much to be said about the Pact’s substance, we take a closer look at its language in this piece.

A Comment by Jascha Galaski & Johanna Hase

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Wang Huning 王沪宁 Der Chefideologe im Schatten der Mächtigen

DerChinesische Traum“ ist als das zentrale Ideologie-Programm von Xi Jinping bekannt. Doch der eigentliche Verfasser ist nicht Xi selbst, sondern ein außerhalb Chinas relativ unbekannter Politikstratege: Wang Huning. Wer ist der Mann, der als engster Vertrauter Xi Jinpings gilt und es vom Professor zum Chefideologen der KPCh schaffte?

Ein Portrait von Moritz Lohmann und Marius Kretzschmar

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The EU budget compromise: A missed opportunity to protect the rule of law

After months of tough negotiations the EU’s leaders eventually reached a budget compromise. The deal brokered by Germany watered down key elements of the new rule of law conditionality, risking to make it just another weak instrument in the EU’s rule of law toolbox. (Once again) the German government showed a substantial lack of ambition to protect the EU’s core values.

A Comment by Julian Brummer

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