Who has Stolen the European Elections? Let’s Not Blame the Voters

EU elections should focus on Europe, but they tend to be hijacked by national agendas. The 2024 election nights in France and Germany reveal who should take steps to make the elections more European.   by Sebastian Emde   Over 40 years ago, Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt described European elections as „second-order national elections„. … Weiterlesen …

Wirtschaftspolitische Zukunft Europas: Ein Blick auf die Wahlprogramme 2024

Die bevorstehende Europawahl stellt einen entscheidenden Moment für die politische Landschaft Europas dar. In einer Zeit, in der die Europäische Union mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen konfrontiert ist – vom russischen Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine über den Klimawandel bis hin zu geopolitischen Spannungen – ist die wirtschaftspolitische Ausrichtung der verschiedenen Parteien von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Wahlprogramme der … Weiterlesen …

Boxers in the Baltics – The Case for “Mittlere Kräfte” in the Paradigm of Territorial Defence

A conventional wisdom states that “generals are always prepared to fight the last war”. With very little media attention, the Bundeswehr announced arguably the most significant organisational changes since the end of conscription. This article is going to explore the introduction of the “Mittlere Kräfte” in the context of the changing security environment of the … Weiterlesen …

Brüsseler Bahnhof: Fueling Change: Inside Europe’s Hydrogen Economy – Ruud Kempener, European Commission

We’re joined by Ruud Kempener from Commissioner Kadri Simson’s cabinet, offering unique insights into the continent’s hydrogen landscape. Our conversation takes you on a journey through Europe’s ambitious efforts to bolster its hydrogen economy. Explore the legislative initiatives that are driving change and the innovative markets emerging from these endeavors, including the significant role played by the European Hydrogen Bank.

2nd Edition: Inflation, Excess Liquidity, Slovakia`s Election and all things Brussels Bubble

Written By Lukas Seelig and Moritz Pohl   05.10.23   coming to you from Polis180’s “European Economic Policy” programme inviting you to subscribe for free by dropping us a line here!   Hello there and welcome back, curious minds and all-around Brussels enthusiasts!   We’re excited to roll out the second edition of our „nEUrds“ newsletter, … Weiterlesen …

Brüsseler Bahnhof: Fuel of the Future? – Eine Analyse der deutschen Wasserstoffwirtschaft

In dieser Podcast-Folge des “Brüsseler Bahnhofs” dreht sich alles um Wasserstoff als Energieträger der Zukunft. Hierzu gibt Cara Bien, Energiereferentin des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie, Einblicke in die Bedeutung der Nationalen Wasserstoffstrategie und die verschiedenen Umstellungen und Herausforderungen die die deutsche und europäische Wirtschaft erwarten.

nEUrds – Your Guide To What’s Moving The Bubble – 1st Edition

  by Lukas Seelig, Janik Gast and Moritz Pohl, coming to you from Polis180’s “European Economic Policy” programme, inviting you to subscribe for free by dropping us a line here       Hey there, curious minds and all-around Brussels enthusiasts!   Welcome to our debut “nEUrds” newsletter [pronounced same as nerds] – a fresh adventure through … Weiterlesen …

Polis Brief N° 28 – Towards balance, coherence and complementarity in European labour migration policy

In recent years, migration politics and policymaking in the EU has been overly focused on irregular migration and asylum. A nearly exclusive policy focus on reinforcing ‘Fortress Europe’ to keep people out is unsustainable and undesirable. A shift in policy focus to offering legal pathways to much-needed labour migrants from third countries to enter the … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 21 – Community, Accountability, and Independence

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 20 – The Media of Tomorrow

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 18 – Creators, Educators, and Technologists

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation workshops … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 17 – Web3 x Culture

This paper is part of a series of papers highlighting fields of innovation in the creative industries with political impact and how they can be supported politically. They were created in the context of the project Digitizing Creative Industries, in which five innovation projects from Europe were supported in an accelerator program with mentoring, innovation workshops … Weiterlesen …

„Seas the Day“: Assessing the EU’s 2023 Maritime Security Strategy

With its most recent update in March 2023, the EU’s Maritime Security Strategy has undergone a significant revision, and now places a more pronounced emphasis on addressing the emerging threat of hybrid warfare and safeguarding critical infrastructure. This analysis highlights the key changes in the strategy, including the new connotations and implications for both EU … Weiterlesen …

Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Europäischwerdens

Ein Beitrag von Frauke Seebass

Europäische Identität, Europäisierung, Zukunft Europas: Scheinbar inklusive Konzepte, die aber oft der Abgrenzung dienen. Nirgends wird dies deutlicher als in den Ländern des „Westbalkans“, die trotz ihrer geografischen Nähe weiterhin als das „Andere“ dienen, demgegenüber sich Europa definiert.

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We proudly present: The #GEONext project teams!

As part of our German-Georgian project series, #GEONext supports young people across Georgia to get involved in their communities and make their voices heard by decision-makers. From June to September 2022, they work together with private businesses and international institutions to develop their own initiatives and implement them in their communities, supported by the Georgian Institute of Politics and Polis180.

Evaluation Report | #GEOYOUTH2020 & 2021 Fostering Youth Participation in Politics in Georgia, Germany & beyond

This review process aims at evaluating the activities of both project years. The focus is on the meaningfulness of youth participation in the framework of our project, measured throughout the scoping and implementation phases on the basis of diverse feedback from the participants of both project years and a facilitated evaluation workshop in November 2021. The result is a list of recommendations and key learnings for our own and other non-profit organizations engaging in international youth projects, as well as for young activists and donor organizations.

Angela Merkel’s feminist legacy? Moving away from the status quo in foreign policy

The German federal elections in September 2021 will mark the end of the 16-year Merkel era. Angela Merkel was not only the first East German and the first scientist, but also the first woman in the federal chancellery. What does it mean for German foreign policy that Angela Merkel was a woman chancellor? Will she perhaps even leave a feminist legacy? And what should the next chancellor do?

A Comment by Maike Laengenfelder and Karoline Färber

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Angela Merkels feministisches Erbe? Weg vom außenpolitischen Status quo nach der Bundestagswahl

Im September 2021 endet nach 16 Jahren die Ära Merkel. Angela Merkel war nicht nur die erste Ostdeutsche und die erste Naturwissenschaftlerin, sondern auch die erste Frau im Bundeskanzler*innenamt. Was bedeutet es für die deutsche Außenpolitik, dass mit ihr eine Frau Bundeskanzlerin war? Hinterlässt sie vielleicht sogar ein feministisches Erbe? Und was sollte der*die nächste Kanzler*in tun?

Ein Kommentar von Maike Laengenfelder und Karoline Färber

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