At Polis180 you stand at the center as a member. We offer plenty of ways to participate, depending on your time and interests. Even if you don’t know what Polis180 is about, everyone is welcome!

… the programs

They form the heart of our work and are the first step for those who wish to contribute to the content at Polis180. We have programs for the EU, Peace and Security and Migration. There we work together on blog posts, Polis papers, interactive debate formats and much more!

How can I participate in the programs? You are always welcome with us! Our program meetings are held regularly throughout different locations in Berlin. There you can stay in the loop, sign up for the monthly Polis newsletter or specific program newsletter. Or you can simply write to the program leaders directly if you have any questions. They are happy to help!

… the Organization-Teams

They support the organization of the program and ensure that Polis180 can grow fast as an association and that the needed structures are created. In our departments such as fundraising, website and blog design, internal and external communications, we are working hard to develop our idea of Polis and provide the greatest possible resources for our members.

How can I join the organization team? You can easily come by. Our organization team meetings are held every other week on Wednesdays at 7pm in Berlin-Mitte. If interested, send an email to!



I want to become a member!

Polis180 is quite different from conventional Think-Tanks, as it is designed on a grass-roots organization concept. That means that all of our formats, ideas, and policy papers are designed, advocated, and distributed by our members. Only as a member can you therefore benefit from a full-range of possibilities. You can publish Polis blogs and papers, create new debate formats, receiving training opportunities in skills workshops, and become closely acquainted with design-makers and multipliers. You can help to develop our vision as a grass-roots think-tank of the younger generation. Therefore: become a Polis member as we look forward to you and your ideas!


Four members of Polis180 introduce themselves below to give you some insight on how you can bring your ideas and interests to Polis.


Polis-Member, Project leader of Schengen

„From the beginning, the idea of Polis impressed me because it was exactly what I needed in German and European policy: a think tank for young people in which no career or network is at the foreground, but new ideas and motivation to actually make a difference. For me, politics must be inclusive and participatory. That means that younger people should have a voice taken seriously. And that makes Polis180 possible. At the event “Schengen: Without borders but with limits?,” I organized a team of ten leaders to speak at three workshops with over 120 participants on the future of an open Europe and to develop innovative solutions. Although it was a lot of work, one gained a lot back from it. One can freely design projects, test new formats, and revise the content of political issues to make them more captivating.”


Chris Abels

Polis-Member, Project leader of „Polis in Practice“

„I discovered Polis180 when studying at the Hertie School of Governance. In the first week, I came across a post by a Polis member in the Hertie Facebook group, which I answered back to. We were soon in contact. Since then, I am responsible for Polis180’s event format ,Polis in Practice,’ in which employees of authorities, consultancies and think tanks are brought together to promote their exchange. With ,Polis in Practice,’ I can combine substantive and organizational tasks. Under this format, we have already organized two events on various topics. Recently, we have dealt with the question of whether digitalization can be a force for political participation. Each event creates opportunities to hold discussions with exciting people about their ideas of what every second of conceptual effort is worth.”

Polis-Member, Co-leader of the EU Program 

„During a foundation workshop I was approached by people from the core team of the idea of Polis and have been here since the beginning. We are not the first think tank in Berlin, but I find the idea of creating a bipartisan and participatory grassroots think tank so compelling because new voices and arguments can be heard in policy debate. Especially for the process of European integration, I find it particularly important that we as the younger generation can introduce our ideas in a stronger way. Polis180 is exactly the right platform for it. That’s why I am involved as the co-head of the EU program, so the development and event formats, of critical and productive, can be considered for the future.“



Polis-Member, Project leader of the Polis Blog

„At an event at the Foreign Office I had a plan for a Berlin think tank to be modeled after the Swiss forum and was then invited to a workshop. The energy and enthusiasm to get involved in foreign and European policy had me convinced right away. During my journalism studies, I had the dream to shape a scientific blog about EU policy concepts and content. I realized I had exactly what I wanted at Polis180 with help from interesting and ambitious people. If time permits, I’d like to be involved in other responsibilities. The nuts and bolts of a young association is diversity, and Polis180 keeps this diversity alive.”