Event Report | Navigating the Evolution of Feminist Foreign Policy(s): From Concept to Practice

29th May 2024 On Tuesday 29th May 2024 the programme “Gender and International Politics” of Polis180 hosted an online event discussing the evolution of feminist foreign policy (FFP). The event is part of our programme’s project Feminist Foreign Policy(s): An On-Going Journey through Global Policies and is intended to provide an opportunity to discuss the … Weiterlesen …

Veranstaltungsbericht | Feministische Außenpolitik in Deutschland: Die Rolle des Auswärtigen Amts und seiner Arbeit

20. März 2024 Am 20. März 2024 veranstaltete der Programmbereich “Gender & Internationale Politik” von Polis180 eine Veranstaltung über die deutsche feministische Außenpolitik. Die Veranstaltung, mit Karoline Färber als Speakerin, war eine Gelegenheit, Einblicke in die Rolle des Auswärtigen Amtes (AA) und seine Arbeit zu erhalten. Karoline Färber (sie/ihr) ist Doktorandin am King’s College London … Weiterlesen …

Event Report | Exploring Feminist Foreign Policy in a Nuclear World: France’s Perspective

21st February 2024 On 21 February 2024, the programme “Gender and International Politics” of Polis180 hosted an online event on the intersection of France’s feminist diplomacy and nuclear arsenal. The event is part of the group’s wider series ‘feminist foreign policy: an ongoing journey through global policies,’ which sheds light on different regions and their … Weiterlesen …

Event report | Europa kocht! FFPxEU: A Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union – Too many cooks spoil the broth?!

As part of our Europa Kocht! series, and of our Gender & International Politics’ project Feminist Foreign Policy(s): An On-Going Journey through Global Policies, we discussed whether the EU is able to implement a Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) approach to its foreign policy approaches and what such an FFP approach could look like with our wonderful speaker Leonie Stamm.

Polis Paper N° 25 – Brücken zwischen IST und SOLL – Kritik und Empfehlungen für Deutschlands Digitalstrategie aus feministisch-intersektionaler Perspektive

Im August 2022 veröffentlichte die deutsche Bundesregierung ihre ressortübergreifende Digitalstrategie mit dem Versprechen, Ungerechtigkeiten im digitalen Zeitalter anzugehen. Ein Jahr später fehlt es an konkreten Fortschritten, die festgehaltenen Maßnahmen bleiben unzureichend. Wie können wir die digitale Zukunft gerechter und nachhaltiger gestalten? Dieses Paper betrachtet die Strategie aus einer feministisch-intersektionalen Perspektive, identifiziert die inhaltlichen Schwächen und … Weiterlesen …

Veranstaltungsbericht | Mexico’s Feminist Foreign Policy and its significance for the feminist movement

8. November 2023 On the 8th of November our event series „Feminist Foreign Policy(s): An On-Going Journey through Global Policies“ organised by the program Gender and International Politics continued. Following our Event on Swedens Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) we continued with a talk on the FFP in Mexico under the topic “Mexico’s Feminist Foreign Policy … Weiterlesen …

Veranstaltungsbericht | Entwicklung und Handel – welchen Einfluss hat die BMZ-Strategie ‘Feministische Entwicklungspolitik’ auf die deutsche Handelspolitik?

As part of our event series on Feminist Development Policy, organized by the programs Gender and International Politics and De_Constructing Development, our aim was to discuss the BMZ’s strategy on a feminist development policy from an Afghan postcolonial perspective. Together with Humaira Rasuli and Suraya Pakzad, we critically questioned whose voices are heard, who is visible and who dominates not only the strategy’s conception and the related public discourse but also development policy in Afghanistan in general.

Event Report | Revisiting Feminist Foreign Policy: Exploring Sweden’s Journey and the Power of the ‚F‘- Word | October 25th 2023

  by Fabia van Melis   On the 25th of October, the event series „Feminist Foreign Policy(s): An On-Going Journey through Global Policies„, organised by the programme Gender and International Politics, started. Under the topic “Revisiting Feminist Foreign Policy: Exploring Sweden’s Journey and the Power of the ‚F‘-Word”, we looked at the feminist foreign policy … Weiterlesen …

Polis Paper N° 23 – Below its potential – Navigating the complexity of Feminist Foreign Policy

By Sophie Domres & Lena Wittenfeld 10.10.2023 While Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) as a normative foreign policy approach gains global traction, its application often remains superficial, leading to varied interpretations, limited impact and various tensions. This paper comprehensively unveils the discourses surrounding FFP, highlighting its (in)consistent yet transformative potential. We initially argue that FFP’s shift … Weiterlesen …

Event Report | An Afghan Postcolonial Perspective on Germany’s Strategy to a Feminist Development Policy

As part of our event series on Feminist Development Policy, organized by the programs Gender and International Politics and De_Constructing Development, our aim was to discuss the BMZ’s strategy on a feminist development policy from an Afghan postcolonial perspective. Together with Humaira Rasuli and Suraya Pakzad, we critically questioned whose voices are heard, who is visible and who dominates not only the strategy’s conception and the related public discourse but also development policy in Afghanistan in general.

Event Report | Feminism(s) Part VII: India

As part of our Feminism(s) series we came together with Saumya Dadoo and Shailza Sharma to talk about feminism(s) in India. The aim of our teatime event has been to learn more about Indian feminism(s) and discuss ideas of feminism, feminist activism and challenges to women’s equality in modern-day India aiming at building and understanding of the Indian cultural context and strengthen knowledge about the state of gender equality in this diverse and heterogeneous subcontinent.

Event Report | Feminist Foreign Policy in the Context of Afghanistan

Fragen von der geschlechtsspezifischen Dimension von Flucht haben im in einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung der Programme Gender und Internationale Politik und Migration von Polis180 mit den Referentinnen Ulrike Krause und Tatevik Dallakyan diskutiert. Zudem wurde die Veranstaltung von Gedichten von Rojin Namer und Robina Karimi von The Poetry Project begleitet. 

Event Report | Feminism(s)| Part III: Feminism in Turkey

Together with Dr. Hürcan Asli Aksoy from the Centre for Advanced Turkey Studies (CATS) we discussed the history and waves of feminism in Turkey, its different manifestations and its fight to push back the pushback under the AKP government. Read our event report!

Event Report | Feminism(s) | Part I: Islamic Feminism

According to our speaker Dr. Lana Sirri, a major problem of Western engagement in the Middle East is the widespread narrative of the liberation of Muslim women. Want to learn more about Islamic Feminism? Read our event report!

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