What I Have Learned from Travelling Through Post-2014 Ukraine

I left Berlin for Ukraine in autumn 2016 with the aim of analysing post-Euromaidan civil society organisations and their support for internally displaced people. I travelled through different parts of the country and interviewed several people in Kiev, Dnipro and Kharkiv. Here is what I have learned about the power of civil society.

A Travel Report by Sophie Falsini

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29 AUG | Demokratie braucht dich-Schwiizer Version

Die Demokratie braucht Dich-Kampagne von Polis180 kannte keine Grenzen: Am 29. August organisierten Polis180 und foraus die Schwiizer-Version für Auslandsdeutsche zur zukünftigen Außen- und Europapolitik Deutschland sowie zur Frage der Beteiligung Auslandsdeutscher an den Wahlen.

POLIS PAPER #6 | Quo Vadis, Migrationspolitik – Die Wahlprogramme deutscher Parteien unter der Lupe!

Die Migrationspolitik muss sich auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene neu ausrichten. Was die etablierten Parteien in ihren Wahlprogrammen 2017 fordern, ist dabei nicht immer ausreichend. In diesem Polis Paper bilden daher fünf Themenkapitel (Kapitel 2-6) die aktuelle Debatte ab und geben evidenzbasierte Vorschläge, wie moderne Migrationspolitik weitergedacht werden kann.

POLIS PAPER #4 | Economic Uncertainties and Attitudes Towards the EU: The Limits of Youth Optimism

In Polis Paper #4, Kris Best and Tori Dykes find that young Europeans are more pessimistic about their household financial situation, while both old and young Europeans seem to be equally concerned about their job security. However, European youth display higher levels of support for the EU across all levels of financial security, while financially insecure older Europeans tend to hold particularly negative opinions of the EU. If the pessimistic economic predictions among youth are realised, this could mean that today’s economically insecure youth are on track to become tomorrow’s disillusioned and eurosceptic over-30s.

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