Programm Eu.ropa
14. Sep 2024 | 19.15 - 21.00 Uhr
Global Village

Looking Back, Looking Ahead – Grassroots Perspectives on EU Enlargement and Reform

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the European Union’s largest single enlargement, welcoming ten new member states. Amidst the ongoing challenges posed by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, EU enlargement is once again a central topic—both within the EU and as a critical aspiration for civil society across current and prospective candidate countries. However, internal divisions within the EU have led many to argue that reforms are as necessary as, if not more than, further enlargement.

Berlin, with its unique historical and geographical position between East and West, serves as the perfect venue to explore these critical issues from a grassroots perspective. We invite you to join us for an engaging evening of discussion, where experts and grassroots activists from across Europe will address key questions such as:

  • How can civil society contribute to both EU reform and enlargement? What unique perspectives do civil society organizations from Central and Eastern Europe offer?
  • Two decades after the major enlargement of 2004, how well-connected are European societies? What links are still missing?
  • What lessons have been learned from past enlargements? Are there mistakes to avoid or best practices to replicate?

We’re happy to discuss these questions with

  • Nikola Xaviereff, working on the Western Balkans at the German Council on Foreign Relations
  • Dr. Andrey Demidov, who researches EU democracy and reform at Bertelsmann Stiftung.

This event will be followed by finger food, providing an opportunity for continued conversation and networking.

This event is part of the conference „Discuss, Rethink, Envision – Grassroots Perspectives on Europe in Berlin,“ organized by Polis180 e.V., a grassroots think tank dedicated to amplifying young voices in European and foreign affairs. The project is supported by the Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei. 

Please register using the form on this page.

The event will take place at Global Village Berlin (Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin). The event’s language is English.

Contact: Hanna Reichelt, project manager (

Organizers: Etienne Höra, Mara Dankbar & Lena Wittenfeld

Polis180 is a grassroots think tank for foreign and European policy. It was founded in June 2015 by a group of committed young people with diverse backgrounds and political standpoints. We now count over 600 association members. We aim to be the most innovative think tank and talent factory of and for young experts and enable them as an inclusive platform to significantly influence foreign and European policy decisions. With our projects, we offer young people the opportunity to formulate and specify their political demands and to present them to decision-makers.

Please note that pictures and videos may be taken at this event, both for documentation and use on social media, in line with our privacy policy.

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