31. Okt 2021 | 11.00 - 12.30 Uhr

31 OKT | FUTURE CITIES – Local Scenarios for a Europe of Tomorrow

Local Scenarios for a Europe of Tomorrow

31 October 2021 | 11:00 – 12:30

@ Zoom

You are warmly invited to join us for our final event of the „Future Cities“ project. We have initiated a dialogue across Europe that encourages the general public to think about the future and to explore their own visions. For this purpose, two citizen theatre groups from Nuremberg (Germany) and Bagnolet (France) each developed a performative city tour for the year 2030 that they will present to us in short videos. On this basis we will step into discussion with you: about local scenarios, European visions, and your ideas for the pressing questions about the climate crisis, sustainable mobility concepts, demographic change, or new models of living and working. Finally, we will dive deeper into ways of shaping the future with artistic means.

Please find more information on the project here.

Our partners

Collectiv Sirènes is an interdisciplinary collective that works in the field of arts and urbanism. It consists of artistic director Marie Roth, urbanist and architect Clémence Estrada, as well as dancer and choreographer Elise Roy. For this project, they have worked with citizens of different age groups from Bagnolet (Seine-Saint-Denis).

Tafelhalle Nürnberg is Germany’s only municipal production center for the independent scene in the field of music, dance, and theater. In 2019, the STADT-Ensemble was founded, which invites citizens to participate in artistic processes. The directors are choreographer and dance teacher Beate Höhn, director and theater teacher Stefanie Miller, as well as choreographer Sebastian Eilers.

Zoom details will be sent to your email shortly before the event.

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