Polis Brief N° 27 – Winds of Change

With its decision to further invade Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022, the Russian Federation has brought conventional war back on the European map and thereby catalysed multifaceted shifts in the international security order. To that effect, this paper examines the concrete ways in which the war has triggered a change in the threat … Weiterlesen …

Wie die georgische Zivilgesellschaft für eine demokratische Zukunft kämpft

Bereits Ende 2022 sorgten das von der parlamentarischen Mehrheitsbewegung „Volksmacht“, initiierte Gesetz „Über die Transparenz ausländischer Einflussnahme“ und die Registrierungspflicht „ausländischer Agenten“ für große Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Unzufriedenheit in der Bevölkerung Georgiens. Am 6. März 2023 folgten auf die Verabschiedung des Gesetzentwurfs in erster Lesung im Rechtsausschuss des georgischen Parlaments Massendemonstrationen in der Hauptstadt Georgiens, mit … Weiterlesen …

„Seas the Day“: Assessing the EU’s 2023 Maritime Security Strategy

With its most recent update in March 2023, the EU’s Maritime Security Strategy has undergone a significant revision, and now places a more pronounced emphasis on addressing the emerging threat of hybrid warfare and safeguarding critical infrastructure. This analysis highlights the key changes in the strategy, including the new connotations and implications for both EU … Weiterlesen …

Die unerträgliche Leichtigkeit des Europäischwerdens

Ein Beitrag von Frauke Seebass

Europäische Identität, Europäisierung, Zukunft Europas: Scheinbar inklusive Konzepte, die aber oft der Abgrenzung dienen. Nirgends wird dies deutlicher als in den Ländern des „Westbalkans“, die trotz ihrer geografischen Nähe weiterhin als das „Andere“ dienen, demgegenüber sich Europa definiert.

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Creating inclusive societies through cross sector cooperation

An analysis by Nora Pohl
with Rima Beridze, Linda Beridze, Ana Sikhashvili, Dima Karchava, Nino Odisharia, Anna Sakhokia, Giorgi Kemularia, Mariam Jghamadze and Mariam Bolkvadze

In Georgia, people with disabilities face multiple challenges when it comes to participating in public and social life. Two groups of young people from different Georgian regions prove that through innovative ideas and cooperation with experienced experts, these challenges can be tackled.

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Sustainable and inclusive growth as the key to social cohesion and territorial parity in Georgia

An analysis by Jonas Nitschke
with Tamta Chankseliani, Salome Artmeladze, Tamar Papava, Tamar Rekhviashvili, David Aludauri, Nika Kratsashvili, Grisha Labadze and Sandro Jibladze

Despite some progress, Georgia continues to face major political and economic challenges. . Unemployment is on the rise, and the economic and social consequences of the pandemic were severe. Nevertheless, two groups of young innovators in Kobuleti and Baghdadi showed their creativity to show their Municipalities’ economic potential.

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Digital transformation, youth engagement and cross-sectoral cooperation

An analysis by Esther Kern
with Gvantsa Sikharulidze, Nino Uturashvili, Piqria Lomjaria, Nutsa Karseladze, Giorgi Tchabukiani, and Vasil Karseladze

The ongoing digital transformation has profound impacts on our economies, politics, and civil society, including youth engagement. Where and how young people engage changed over time,requiring new skill sets and partnerships. Cross-sectoral cooperation with private companies and other actors can help to equip young civil society actors with the necessary skills to lead the changes they want to see in society and politics.

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