Der POLISBLOG ist in Wörter gegossene Grassroots-Arbeit: Hier schreibt unsere Community zu allen Themen, die sie bewegen – wann sie will, wie sie will und wie oft sie will. Aber immer kurz, präzise, auf den Punkt.

7. November 2017

How Women in Tech Fight for Development and Good Governance

Georgia has undergone major political and economic reforms since the 2003 Rose Revolution. After years of rapid transformation, the recent…
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19. Oktober 2017

The Chances and Challenges of Georgia’s EU Association Process

After a Soviet-dominated 20th Century, Georgia is trying hard to make the 21st a European one. By signing the Association…
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15. Oktober 2017

Die Grünen und das Internationale

Die Vorhaben einer Regierung werden durch den Koalitionsvertrag geregelt. Den Charakter einer Regierung bestimmt die Zusammensetzung des Kabinetts und die…
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27. September 2017

What I Have Learned from Travelling Through Post-2014 Ukraine

I left Berlin for Ukraine in autumn 2016 with the aim of analysing post-Euromaidan civil society organisations and their support…
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5. September 2017

Is Scotland Ready for a Second Independence Referendum?

The formula seems simple: Brexit plus a hung parliament plus an already failed referendum equals another shot at independence for…
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20. August 2017

Northern Ireland’s Brexit Opportunity: Building Bridges, Not Borders

The UK and the EU will eventually part ways in 2019. Some say Northern Ireland may fall through the cracks.…
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15. August 2017

Peace and Conflict Studies: 5 Urgent Questions of the Discipline

The interest in peace as an academic pursuit originally evolved in 19th-century America and Sweden, and is now well-established in…
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9. August 2017

The Role of Female Entrepreneurship in a Globalised Economy

From small and medium enterprises to booming giants: the Business 20 forum brings international businesses, organisations and NGOs together for…
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4. August 2017

Wie fairer Handel Emissionsverlagerungen verhindern kann

Der internationale Klimaschutz verläuft nun endgültig mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten, was die Gefahr von der Verlagerung von Treibhausgasemissionen mit sich bringt.…
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1. August 2017

What Do Young People Think About G20 and Women’s Economic Empowerment?

The G20’s civil society dialogue offers a platform for a whole range of important stakeholders. But what do young people…
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30. Juli 2017

The EU Sanctions on Russia: United in Diversity

While the EU could divide in reaction to new U.S. sanctions on Russia, it should now do its best to…
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6. Juli 2017

Can the G20 Foster Women’s Economic Empowerment?

Everyone talks about Germany’s G20 presidency, but the accompanying civil society dialogue process is lesser-known thus far. Who are the…
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