Cross-Sectoral Cooperation for Societal Change? Perspectives from Georgian Youth

Informed by international experts, research and practical experience in Georgia and Germany in the framework of #GEONext – Partnerships for Youth Engagement, this publication aims at providing a comprehensive perspective of the advantages and challenges of cross-sectoral cooperation, as well as best practice examples and tangible recommendations for successful collaborations across sectors.

Polis Paper N°16 | Refugees of Second Class: Ukrainian Roma in Hungary and Moldova

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, European leaders and civil society have shown an immense solidarity towards the people of Ukraine and in particular the refugees that were forced to flee to the neighbouring countries and the EU. However, this solidarity does not extend to Ukrainian Roma refugees, who face severe discrimination, segregation, and rejection. Moldova and Hungary are two of the most important transit countries for refugees on the way to Western Europe. As their authorities, government officials and civil society are publicly reinforcing harmful stereotypes about Roma, crossing the borders, asking for asylum, or accessing decent living conditions in refugee centres has become harder than ever.

#GEONext: Meet the Mentors

#GEONext – Partnerships for Youth Engagement uses civic education and international, cross-sectoral cooperation to prepare the next generation of Georgians to be civically engaged, know and exercise their rights and responsibilities, harness technology, and build partnerships to demand and facilitate increased government accountability. Meet our mentors from the private sector here!

Event Report | Feminist Foreign Policy in the Context of Afghanistan

Fragen von der geschlechtsspezifischen Dimension von Flucht haben im in einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung der Programme Gender und Internationale Politik und Migration von Polis180 mit den Referentinnen Ulrike Krause und Tatevik Dallakyan diskutiert. Zudem wurde die Veranstaltung von Gedichten von Rojin Namer und Robina Karimi von The Poetry Project begleitet. 

Evaluation Report | #GEOYOUTH2020 & 2021 Fostering Youth Participation in Politics in Georgia, Germany & beyond

This review process aims at evaluating the activities of both project years. The focus is on the meaningfulness of youth participation in the framework of our project, measured throughout the scoping and implementation phases on the basis of diverse feedback from the participants of both project years and a facilitated evaluation workshop in November 2021. The result is a list of recommendations and key learnings for our own and other non-profit organizations engaging in international youth projects, as well as for young activists and donor organizations.

Wahlprogramm? Check! Polis180 die Wahlprogramme der Parteien zusammengefasst

Die Wahl zum 20. Deutschen Bundestag am 26. September 2021 steht an und im Wahlkampf dazu gehen viele wichtige Sachthemen oftmals verloren und insbesondere außen- und europapolitische Fragen stehen seltener im Fokus. Wir von Polis180 sind davon überzeugt, dass die Positionen der Parteien zu diesen Fragen wichtig für die Wahlentscheidung – auch und vor allem von jungen Menschen – sind. Aus diesem Grund bieten wir auch zu dieser Wahl einen Wahlprogrammcheck an.

Event Report | Feminism(s)| Part II: Feminism in China

Many women in China still feel strong societal pressure to conform to conservative gender roles and their freedom of expression is limited. We have spoken to Dr. Qi Wang about the issues that Chinese women face and how they are trying to change them. Read our event report!

Electing the Future: Participation of Civil Society and Youth in Georgian Party Politics | Event Report

Electing the Future

Which instruments do civil society actors have to engage with parties in Georgia and Germany, and how can these mechanisms be enhanced? What is the role of young people in party politics, and how can their voices help to diversify political discourse in the country? We discussed these and other questions with experts in Berlin and Tbilisi in a Zoom panel – find the summary here!

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