The Colombian Aftermath: Why the International Community Should Support Peace after the Referendum

Last October, the Colombian people voted on a historic peace accord to end the armed conflict between the government and FARC rebels. The ‘no’ camp won by 50.21 % which shocked the international community as four distinct barriers block any further engagement. But what are these barriers made of and how can they be overcome?

A Comment by Leon Schettler and Sascha Menig

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Donald Trump: The American Tragedy?

Donald Trump’s surprise victory will lead to a redefinition of the transatlantic relationship. Now it is high time to ask what this means for Germany and how we should react to the challenges lying ahead in the Trump Era.

A Comment by Daniel Weimert and Sylvia Wittmer

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The American Vice Presidency: The Most Powerful “Backbench” on Earth?

The position of the vice president seems to nowadays be more important than ever before. The vice president serves as a key political and policy adviser of the American president as well as an assistant governing the nation. That makes a careful examination of the two competing vice presidential candidates indispensable.

A comment by Jasmin Gabel und Kaloyan Halachev

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US Election Series VIII: Populismus mit Herz und Verstand

Im Interview mit Polis-Mitglied Daniel Weimert spricht der ehemalige Wahlkampfmanager von Willy Brandt und Helmut Schmidt, Volker Riegger, darüber, warum gute PolitikerInnen auch ein wenig populistisch sein müssen und warum Gefühle in der Politik eine so wichtige Rolle spielen.

Ein Interview von Daniel Weimert

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Stürzt die Babyboomer, Millennials an die Macht!

Denn sie zerstören nicht nur Europa, sondern auch unsere Zukunft. Wir Jungen wollen die europäische Politik mitgestalten. Doch die alte, angepasste und sich ins Nationale zurücksehnende Generation lässt uns bislang keine Chance dazu. Das werden wir ändern.

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