Café Amerikana – Die Nahostpolitik der USA in der Ära von Trump: Kontinuität oder Kehrtwende? Teil I

Endlich wieder da! In der neunten Folge von “Café Amerikana” diskutieren wir mit Peter Rough (Hudson Institute) über die Veränderungen der US-amerikanischen Nahostpolitik. Wir beleuchten den aus US-Perspektive wichtigsten Player, Iran und dessen Einfluss in der Region, insbesondere im Syrienkonflikt. Darüber hinaus besprechen wir die Auswirkungen der Entscheidung Trumps die US Botschaft in Israel nach Jerusalem zu verlegen und somit Jerusalem als israelische Hauptstadt anzuerkennen.

The Brexit PodCast – Episode 3

While the negotiating parties are preparing for phase two of the Brexit negotiations, Roxana and Norbert discuss the events of December and January. And for the first time in the history of the Podcast, they have a special guest: Prof. Kieran Patel from Maastricht University, an expert on the history of European Integration. To him, they spoke about Algeria and Greenland leaving the European Economic Community and the lessons to be learned from these cases today.

“Young People Want to Move Around Europe Freely”

The impact of a hard Brexit on Scotland’s youth and the public in general could shape the country’s future. The lack of clarity within the Brexit negotiations is leading to a battle between Westminster and Holyrood, only worsened by Scotland’s missing seat at the negotiating table.

An Interview with Joan McAlpine and Rhianna Mallia

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Talking Think Tanks and Beyond

What think tanks across the world do is analyse, discuss and inform policy. At the same time, they face many, in some respects increasing, challenges to their core activities. So how should think tanks adapt to a changing world? In which areas is improvement indispensable? And why are think tank directors usually male?

An Interview with Enrique Mendizabal and Sonja Schiffers

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Foreign Policy Review: Polis180 kommentiert neuen Koalitionsvertrag

Bisher hat sich die junge Generation noch nicht öffentlich zu den außenpolitischen Zielen der (möglichen) Großen Koalition geäußert. Dabei bestimmen die Entscheidungen von heute die Realität der Jugend von morgen. Polis180 hat den neuen Koalitionsvertrag mal genauer unter die Lupe genommen und die Vereinbarungen in Sachen Außenpolitik fleißig analysiert.

Politische Statements von Polis-Mitgliedern

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Civil Society Can Do More Than Promote Gender Equality

After Germany held the G20 presidency in 2017, it is now on Argentina to promote female empowerment and civil society engagement. Last December, during the 11th WTO Ministerial meeting, numerous civil society experts were blocked from entering the country. Thus, it remains to be seen how Argentina’s G20 presidency will deal with the fundamental role of civil society.

An Interview with Barbara Fürst, Charlotte Becker and Miriam Meier

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