Programm Globale Fragen
09. Nov 2023 | 19.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Berlin Global Village

Polis kocht! – Global Impacts of European Raw Materials Policy

Polis kocht! Let’s talk about the Global Impacts of European Raw Materials Policy

In Brussels, Granada, Washington D.C., Bejing and now „Polis kocht!“ in Berlin  – everyone talks about so-called critical raw materials. We want to shed light on European strategies to secure its supply of raw materials crucial for the digital and energy transition as well as the defense sector while at the same time promoting sustainability and human rights.

To understand the impacts of current European policies on third countries and especially mining affected communities and the environment, we take a closer look at the currently negotiated EU Critical Raw Materials Act. “Polis kocht!” will host Yeny Rodríguez from AIDA and Viktoria Reisch from Germanwatch e.V. Yeny is a Colombian environmental lawyer and human rights and environmental studies specialist. AIDA (Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense) uses the power of international law and science to protect the environment and communities suffering from environmental harm, primarily in Latin America. Viktoria works as policy advisor for resource policies and mineral supply chains with a focus on resource diplomacy and supply chain due diligence.

Together with our two experts, we will meet on November 9 in the rooms of Berlin Global Village in order to prepare a wonderful Colombian dinner which we will enjoy while our discussion takes place. The event will be moderated by Sarah Zitterbarth from Polis180 e.V. and welcomes everyone, especially people with no prior knowledge about the topic.

Register here for the event! Spots are limited.


We are thankful to the support by the Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.

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