21. Jan 2016 | 19.00 - 21.30 Uhr


A Europe of the Regions and Catalan Independence: The best way to (dis)integration?

There are many reasons why the European project is at risk. The refugee crisis, the latent economic and financial crisis of the Eurozone, and the impending threat of a possible Brexit depict some of the more prominent examples.

All of these cases raise the question of self-determination and sovereignty in very different ways. This is why we, as critical European citizens, want to know what the latest developments of the independence movements in Catalonia, Scotland, and the UK can teach us. This Thursday, we will start our discussion with a brief overview of the Catalan case.

If any, what lessons can be learnt from the debate and the events regarding Catalan independence? How does the Catalan independence connect to the concept of a “Europe of the Regions”? Would the strengthening of regional players constitute the best way to (dis)integration?

Polis180 discusses these questions from the perspective of different European players in order to develop and publish new policy concepts for Europe, conceived by European citizens. These suggestions will be published and directly presented to current decisions makers. This time our guests are Martin Guillermo Ramirez, Secretary General of the  Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) as well as Júlia Gutierrez-Péris and Paul Costello Riera, who will provide insights on the case of Catalonia.

The event will be held in English, but we welcome everybody who would like to participate in his or her own language. If you want to ensure that you can participate, just fill out the contact form below.

You want more information on this event? Write to eu@polis180.org!

The event is kindly supported by the fellows&friends programme of the Gemeinnützige Hertie-Stiftung.



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