29. Apr 2021 | 11.00 - 12.30 Uhr

29 APR | RCEP – Trade for all?

29 APRIL | PTB Asia Section & connectingAsia present:

 RCEP – Trade for all?

Implications for SMEs and International Cooperation with Asian partner countries


This Lunch Panel is jointly organized by connectingAsia a programme of Polis180 and the Asia Section of the German Metrology Institute PTB.
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is a free trade agreement that was signed between 15 Asia-Pacific nations on 15 November 2020. With approximately 30% of the global population and of global GDP, it is set to become the largest trading bloc in the world. 

RCEP promotes harmonized standards in areas such as agriculture, investment and intellectual property. It seeks to improve market access for its member states. Yet, due to different levels of economic development, not all states may profit equally from the common regulations. This invites the following questions: 


  • Will the benefits of RCEP trickle down to the least developed, low or lower middle-income countries in the region?
  • How could SMEs overcome Technical Barriers to Trade and reap the benefit of expected trade gains?
  • What effect does RCEP have on the management of regional value and supply chains, and which sectors or countries will most benefit from this?
  • Does RCEP pose further challenges on quality requirements for SMEs? And if yes, what implications does this have on regional technical cooperation projects?


We will try to answer these questions as well as your questions on the topic in our upcoming event with three outstanding specialists in the field of international economic cooperation.

29 April 2021, 11 – 12:30 (CEST)

We are happy to announce that:
Dr. Deborah Elms, Founder and Executive Director, Asian Trade Centre (Singapore),
Dr. Yose Rizal Damuri, Head of the Department of Economics, Center for Strategic and International Studies (Jakarta) and
Dr. Axel Berger, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute (Bonn)
will be our guest speakers at this discussion.

The event will be held in English

If you would like to participate in our online event via Zoom, please sign up below. We will send you the Zoom link and log-in details, as well as some background information that will provide context and foundation for our discussion. During our events photos and/or videos may be taken which may be published in various media for the purposes of documentation and PR activities. You have the right at any time to point out to the photographer or videographer that you do not want to be photographed or filmed.
We look forward to a lively and interesting discussion and hope to see many of you!

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Marius Kretzschmar

The views expressed by speakers or other third parties during this online Lunch Panel are those of the speaker or third-party and not, necessarily, of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, PTB.

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