23. Jun 2018 | 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr

23 June | Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa! in Frankfurt (Main)

“Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa!”

A French-German Participative Workshop

for the Renewal of Europe

The project “Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa!” is meant to foster a dialogue of young committed Europeans and gather impulses for the future of the E.U. Together with subject-specific experts, participants from France and Germany will discuss current topics of the french-german relationships in the EU. You can find the full description of the project here.

To register please scroll down the page.

Challenges of a European Fiscal policy:
can we find a common ground?

Very few topics are more heavily discussed between France and Germany than the idea of a common economical and fiscal policy in Europe.

On the 19th of June, french and german governments are holding the annual french-german Council of Ministers (Conseil des Ministres franco-allemand // Deutsch-Französicher Ministerrat) and will issue a joint declaration, among other topics on economic and fiscal aspects of the Eurozone.

On the 23rd of June, Polis180 is hosting a participative workshop in Frankfurt (Main) to discuss the future of the Eurozone. This workshop is a space for students, young professionals & engaged citizens to interact with both experts & each other to develop concrete policy proposals which will then be presented to decision makers. This is a chance for the voice of the young citizen to be heard & to have a say in your own future.

13h30     Registration

14h00    Welcome

14h15     Workshop phase 1 – Discuss with experts

  • Laurent Abraham, Banque de France // Argo Thinktank, Paris
  • Dr. Eileen Keller, Deutsch-Französisches Institut Ludwigsburg
  • Vincent Sternberg, Volt Frankfurt City Team Lead

15h30     Coffee break and snacks

16h00     Workshop phase 2 – Design policy recommendations

17h30     Reception & live-video-exchange of results with Berlin

18h00     End of the event

More detailed information can be found on the project official website

Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out how to get involved or for any further inquiries:
claire.saillour@polis180.org or +49 176 30191230

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