23. Jun 2018 | 13.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Institut français Berlin

23 June | Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa! in Berlin

“Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa!”

A French-German Initiative
for the future of Europe

“Allez l’Europe! // Vorwärts Europa!” is an open discussion of young committed Europeans who wish to contribute to the debate about the future of Europe. Participants from France and Germany will develop proposals in participative workshops on crucial topics such as European defence, digital economy, democratic participation and euroscepticism.

Experts and actors of the field will be there to provide informed insights and frame the discussion.

Please find the full description of the project and the content of the workshops here.
Or: read our blog-post, where Dr. Andreas Marchetti speaks with our project manager Claire Saillour about France’s and Germany’s important role for the EU.

Our Workshops in Berlin

1. (Re)connecting the EU to its citizens: a discussion about the future of European democracy.

  • Chloé Goupille, Diplomat for European Questions at the Embassy of France in Germany
  • Valerie Sternberg, President of Volt Deutschland, pan-European movement

2. An Alternative to Euroscepticism: Countering Euroscepticism from right and left.

  • Jakov Devčić, Referent Westeuropa at Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
  • Valerio Morelli, Policy Consultant at German Federal Ministery of Foreign Affairs
  • Sulin Sardoschau, Co-president of Argo Thinktank, Paris

A cooperation with the 1989 Generation Initiative of the London School of Economics

3. EUROPE 2.0:
Can digitalisation help tackle common challenges?

  • Eike Gräf, Policy Advisor at iRights.Lab, Initiator of Forum +33/49
  • Yannick Haan, Chairman of SPD Alexanderplatz and SmartCity Manager of Wolfsburg
  • Thomas Jeannin, Economic Counselor at the Embassy of France in Germany

4. From PESCO to the European Intervention Initiative:
How to support each other’s priorities for European defence?

  • Sebastian Chávez Wurm, Director Public Affairs Germany at Airbus Defence and Space
  • Colonel Roland Lieb, Head of the French Army Liaison Staff
  • Charles Thépaut, Political advisor at the French embassy in Berlin, formerly exchange
    diplomat at the French Foreign Ministry in the German Federal Foreign Ministry

12h30     Registration

13h00     Welcoming & Keynote speeches

  • Dominic Gohla, Polis180 e.V. Boardmember
  • Sylvie MASSIERE, première conseillère de l’Ambassade de France / erste Botschaftsrätin der französischen Botschaft in Deutschland
  • Pascal Thibaut, Foreign Correspondent at Radio France Internationale

14h00     Workshops – phase 1

Exchange with experts and actors of the field

15h30     Coffee break

15h45     Workshops – Phase 2

Zukunftwerkstatt – Open discussion and work on concrete proposals

17h30     Plenary Discussion of the results – Q&A

18h15     Final remarks & Reception

19h00    End of the event


More detailed information and descriptions of the workshops can be found on the project official website

Admission is free.

Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Food and snacks will be provided – free of charge – at the beginning of the event, at the pause, and during the evening reception.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out how to get involved or for any further inquiries:
claire.saillour@polis180.org or +49 176 30191230

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