20. Sep 2018 | 00.00 - 23.59 Uhr
Information Center on NATO and EU

20 SEPT | #GEOEUvalues: Conference in Tbilisi

Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

Georgian, German and French Perspectives on European Values and Euro-Atlantic Integration

Polis180, the Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP, Tbilisi) and Argo (Paris) are implementing a joint project on European values and ways of better anchoring them in the Georgian and the EU’s societies. The European Union is being increasingly challenged by populist and Eurosceptic forces, and European values are clearly under threat in several EU member states. In Georgia, the Association Agreement with the EU is being implemented and the country is moving closer towards Europe in many ways. Nevertheless, challenges remain in the face of both external and internal threats, for instance regarding the safeguarding of human rights.

Thus, in the framework of their project #GEOEUvalues, Polis180, GIP and Argo examine: What are the main challenges to European values in Georgia and in the EU? What are European values in the first place? How can we foster European values in the EU and the Eastern Partnership countries? What is the relationship between European values and EU accession?

Click here to find out more about the project.

On 20 September we’re organizing a public conference for Georgian, German, and French experts in Tbilisi in order to reflect on European values and the foreign and domestic challenges of Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration. The conference will include a discussion of the scenarios for the EU-Georgia relationship in 2030 developed in our preceding workshop for young experts (17-19 September 2018).


09.30-10.00 Registration & coffee

10.00-10.30 Welcome

  • Sonja Schiffers, Co-President, Polis180
  • Michael Fabri, Chargé d’affaires a.i, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Eric Tosatti, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of France
  • Salome Shapakidze, European Integration Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

10.30-12.00 Bridging the Gap: European Values and Euro-Atlantic Integration

What are European values in the first place? How are they protected by law in Georgia and the EU? Which political & legal challenges remain?

  • Morgan Guérin, Head of Europe Program, Institut Montaigne
  • Daniel Hegedüs, Visiting Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Ana Natsvlishvili, Parliamentary Secretary of the President of Georgia
  • Moderator: Alexandra Jercaianu, Project Manager, Argo Think Tank

12.00-13.00 Lunch break

13.00-14.30 Fostering European Values in Challenging Times

What are the societal challenges to European values in the EU and in Georgia? How can European values be promoted?

  • Michael Knoll, Head of the Berlin office, Hertie Foundation
  • Dr. Oliver Reisner, Jean Monnet Professor in European and Caucasian Studies, Ilia State University
  • Renata Skardžiūtė-Kereselidze, Programs Manager, Georgian Institute of Politics
  • Moderator: Levan Kakhishvili, Policy Analyst, Georgian Institute of Politics

14.30-14.45 Coffee break

14.45-16.45 The EU-Georgia Relationship in 2030

What could the EU-Georgia relationship look like in 2030? Which factors impact on the further development of the EU-Georgia relationship – in Georgia, in the EU and in third countries? How can these factors be shaped? Where should the relationship go, and where can it go?

  • Kick off: Presentation of scenarios developed by young experts in a workshop preceding the conference
  • Pierre Mirel, Director at European Commission 2001-2013, Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris
  • Levan Kakhishvili, Policy Analyst, Georgian Institute of Politics
  • Silvia Stöber, freelance journalist and expert on the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe
  • Moderator: Sonja Schiffers, Co-President, Polis180

16.45-17.00 Concluding remarks

Polis180, Georgian Institute of Politics & Argo Think Tank

17.00 Reception

The project is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office in the framework of the programme “Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia”.


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