19. November 2020 | 19.00 - 20.30 Uhr

19 NOV | Polis Teatime: Presidential Elections in Moldova – What lies ahead?

Polis Teatime

Presidential Elections in Moldova – What lies ahead?

19 November 2020 | 19:00 – 20:30

@ Zoom

with Vadim Pistrinciuc

We are glad to invite you to our next Polis Teatime “Presidential Elections in Moldova – What lies ahead?”, joined by our expert Vadim Pistrinciuc (IPIS).

Exactly one year after we took stock of the dynamic power shifts caused by the ousting of the reformist cabinet of Maia Sandu, we will once again have a closer look on the political situation in Moldova. After last year’s parliamentary elections that lead to a political deadlock, this November citizens will return to the ballot boxes to vote on their next president. Incumbent Igor Dodon and his main contester, former prime minister Maia Sandu are seen as the most likely candidates to pass the first round of elections this weekend and to compete in a runoff on November 15. Current polls indicate a neck-and-neck race without clear favourite.

Dodon’s and Sandu’s respective visions for Moldova’s future path could not be more different. President Dodon, elected in 2016, is affiliated to the Moldovan Socialist Party (PSRM). He has been a long-standing critique of Moldova’s rapprochement towards the European Union and wants to foster closer ties with Russia. On the contrary, Sandu is running on an anti-corruption platform and calls for a proper implementation of the association agreement with the EU, namely embarking on wide ranging economic and judicial reforms, as well as triggering parliamentary snap elections after taking office. Moldovan politics once again have become more and more geopolitical, with the EU and Russia accusing each other to interfere in the elections. At the same time, Covid-19 has severely hit the country’s population and economy, worsening already existing vulnerabilities.

Against this background, we want to discuss the election outcome and its impact on Moldova in the years to come. Have the elections been conducted free and fair or will its legitimacy be contested? What consequences do the elections yield for Moldova’s geopolitical trajectory? How is the next president going to tackle the challenges, Moldova is facing? And will there be a good working relationship between president and government?

As a grassroots thinktank Polis180 wants to enable the young generation to participate in political discourse. Thus, our Polis Teatimes will focus on your questions and ideas! You can join our discussion by registering below.

About our expert:

Vadim Pistrinciuc is the executive director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) based in Moldova. He focusses on the Eastern Partnership, Russia, public policies and reforms in EaP countries, social development, human rights and informational security.

In 2019 he was a visiting fellow at ECFR. From 2014 until 2019 he was a member of the Moldovan parliament, worked as senior adviser to the Prime Minister from 2012 to 2013 and served as a deputy minister for labour and social protection from 2009 to 2011.

We are looking forward to the discussion! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Julian.Brummer@polis180.org. Please register below.


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