11. Nov 2021 | 18.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Café MadaMe

11 NOV | Polis Teatime: Obstacles and best practices for local youth participation – German & Georgian perspectives

Polis Teatime

Obstacles and best practices for local youth participation – German & Georgian perspectives

11 November 2021 | 18:00 – 19:30

@ Café MadaMe, Mehringplatz 10, Berlin

with Magdalena Patalong & Roland Baghaturia

We are glad to invite you to our next Polis Teatime on best practices for local youth participation, joined by civil society experts Magdalena Patalong (Germany) & Roland Baghaturia (Georgia).

#GEOYOUTH2021, a joint project by Polis180 and the Georgian Institute of Politics supports young people across Georgia to get involved in local politics and make their voices heard by policymakers. In a series of local projects, the youth groups identified needs within their communities and developed programs to tackle these and raise awareness among local politicians and other stakeholders. You can learn more about their projects here.

In the interactive Polis180 teatime format, we want to discuss with experts from Germany and Georgia how youth participation can be fostered especially on the local level. Which obstacles do they face, and how can they be overcome? How can youths / youth groups form alliances with their peers and other local actors to maximize their impact? Which are best and worst practice examples we can learn from?

We are very happy to be joined for this event by a delegation from Georgia who will share their own experiences and are eager to learn from yours. Last year, 150 Georgian youths together created a Manifesto collecting obstacles and solutions for youth involvement in politics. While specific local factors always play a role when it comes to democratic participation, we are convinced that many common lessons can be learned through an international exchange!

Vegetarian snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided free of charge. This teatime is a cooperation between the program Perspektive Ost and the Georgian-German project #GEOYOUTH2021.

As a grassroots thinktank, Polis180 wants to enable the young generation to participate in political discourse. Thus, our Polis Teatimes will focus on your questions and ideas! You can join our discussion by registering below.

We look forward to your contributions!

About our experts:

Magdalena Patalong has been working as a project coordinator at the Berlin based NGO Dekabristen e.V. since 2020. Before joining Dekabristen e.V., Magdalena worked at the German Federal Foreign Office. As part of the program “Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia” she consulted, among other things, civil society actors on their project ideas and evaluated project proposals. Today she’s active in various bilateral and multilateral projects, dealing in particular with the topics of civic education, social innovation and Sustainable Development Goals.

Roland Baghaturia founded the NGO Active Civic Initiative in Senaki, Western Georgia. Together with Quji Jalagonia and Akaki Apakidze, he implemented the project Active citizenship for good governance as part of #GEOYOUTH2021. The project aims to raise the participants’ awareness of self-government issues and engagement mechanisms. A group of local youths were involved in a series of trainings and met with the local community to create three petitions on the problems identified during the meeting. Finally, these petitions were presented to and discussed with representatives of the local municipality.


We are looking forward to the discussion! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Frauke.Seebass@polis180.org or Anna.Kiknadze@polis180.org. Please register below. Upon entry, a certificate of vaccination or recovery from Covid19 must be provided (2G). If you are neither vaccinated nor recovered but wish to attend, please contact us!


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