14. Jul 2016 | 18.00 - 21.00 Uhr
BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt





Politics involve everyone. In order to utilize the power of digital technology to gain more insight on policy making, Polis180 and Dalia Research have come up with the idea of a “Datacamp”. Young policy specialists trained in evolving policy-relevant fields of research meet with young data scientists, trained in analyzing data on large-scale trends. Together they explore solutions for today’s political challenges.

This workshop is intended to gather policy wonks and data geeks to explore the opportunities of digitally-enabled collaborative research and to develop a common agenda for data-driven political change.

Please note: There are only 12 spots available for this workshop as we aim to have a vigorous exchange that comes with a meaningful experience. You can register here.



Before joining Dalia, Jakob worked in management consulting for Bearing Point, focusing on high performance database architectures and big data analysis. He holds a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in Mathematics with a minor in Economics from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.


Before joining Dalia, Niklas worked in management consulting for Roland Berger, advising clients in the energy and infrastructure sectors. He holds a B.A., an MA and an MPP in economics, international relations and public policy from the University of Bayreuth, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, and the Hertie School of Governance.


Before joining Dalia, Mark led research initiatives for 7+ years at Google on media effectiveness, consumer insights & audience measurement, e.g. Google’s Consumer Barometer. He is a former Research Director at Gartner, advising clients on multi-channel marketing and e-commerce strategies, He holds a BA in Modern & Medieval Languages from the University of Cambridge.

Before joining Dalia, Katharina worked in capital markets for an international real estate company preparing due-diligence reviews. She holds a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in International Business Administration from European University Frankfurt (Oder).


Daniel is a PhD Scholar the London School of Economics and a member of the Executive Board of Polis180. He holds a Master’s and Bachelors Degree from the University of Bern. He is further president of UNYANET Alumni and Managing Director of Negotiations.CH.

Dalia Research


Politics seem to be a field which are resistant to technological disruption. Despite many initiatives for digital participation (e.g. “liquid democracy”), policy debates seem to be confined to a selected elite in policy-making and party circles. Young people and “digital natives”, equipped to use new technology to voice their concerns and participate in the public debate, bemoan a disconnect with the political centre.
Meanwhile, technology is advancing rapidly through digital-enabled data collection. Automation and digitalization of work processes are a worldwide trend, transforming even fields that have previously been seen as resistant to digital change. New methods of digital participation such as e-democracy are on the horizon, but are still not widely accepted and face resistance from many political establishments.
Polis180 and Dalia Research believe that digital technology helps obtain insight that leads to better policies and solutions for current political challenges. By harnessing the power of data-driven knowledge and exploring the political opinions of people around the world, Polis180 and Dalia Research strive to explore challenges and opportunities for political change.

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