17. Feb 2016 | 16.40 - 18.40 Uhr
Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten in Berlin



In cooperation with the Embassy of the United States in Berlin, Polis180, the young grassroots think tank on European and foreign affairs, cordially invites you to the upcoming event:

Damon Hybrid 2

Polis-Roadmap to the Future
“After the Munich Security Conference 2016 – Security Challenges Ahead”
with Damon Wilson (Atlantic Council, Executive Vice President)

February 17 2016 @ 5 pm
@ US Embassy Pariser Platz 2, Berlin

The event will be hosted according to the Chatham House Rule.


We are delighted to host Damon Wilson, one of the top US foreign policy advisors and current Executive Vice President at the Atlantic Council. From 2007 to 2009, Wilson served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council. Previously he worked at the US Embassy in Baghdad as the Executive Secretary and Chief of Staff, and as Senior Advisor to NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson.

Following a brief introduction by Damon Wilson, including his assessment of the latest Munich Security Conference, we want to define security challenges and lay out different scenarios. How could hot spots evolve? Which potential course of action could the main actors pursue — and for what reasons? Most importantly, what are fitting strategies?

Developments in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific region or cyberspace have often taken us by surprise and presented us with faits accomplis. In order to be better prepared for uncertainties, we need to base our decisions on a range of alternative futures. Together with Damon Wilson, we want to discuss the transatlantic community’s strategic options for an uncertain world.


Join our collective journey to the future and apply now! Here is how it works:

Please send us a SHORT ABSTRACT (100-150 words): Name the three security challenges you deem the most pressing, and shortly elaborate on one of them.

Registration until February 13. Insert your SHORT ABSTRACT in the comment section below.

Contact: Daniel.Hilgert@polis180.org

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