30 SEP – 02 OCT | International Security Forum Bonn 2022 – Regiogruppe Rheinland
International Security Forum Bonn 2022
30.09.2022 – 02.10.2022 | Bonn
The International Security Forum Bonn, since many years, serves as a platform to convene distinguished international experts and practitioners of security and foreign policy to debate the future of transatlantic relations and key challenges in international politics. The aim is to identify ways and means for a successful German, European and transatlantic foreign and security policy and to develop and discuss comprehensive strategic solutions to pressing security challenges.
The ISFB is composed of a transatlantic conference day, the Main Day (on Sept. 29), which focuses primarily on traditional security policy issues, and the new Bonn Future Lab on Strategic Foresight (Sept. 30 – Oct. 02).
The Bonn Future Lab is a new multi-day format consisting of two core segments: First, an international conference day, which will focus on global megatrends, especially from a security but also from a development perspective (in 2022: „Climate Change and Security“). In a second step, this international conference day will be combined with a Strategic Foresight Workshop, in which the techniques and methods of strategic foresight will be conveyed to young multipliers („decision-makers of the day after tomorrow“), who have previously gained an insight into the current scientific debates through the expert discussions with renowned national and international experts. The Bonn Future Lab is part of the project Sicherheitsforschung.NRW.
More information about this year’s International Security Forum can be found below.
FR 30.09 ; 5:00 – 6:30 pm ; Assessing Climate and Security Research in North Rhine-Westphalia ; Digital – Link
SA 01.10 ; 9:00 – 10:30 am ; Die Bedeutung & Umsetzung Strategischer Vorausschau in der Praxis ; Hybrid – Registration
SA 01.10 ; 2:30 – 3:30 pm ; Future Global Megatrends, Development Cooperation and Security ; Hybrid – Registration
SU 02.10 ; 9:00 – 10:30 am ; A View on Climate Change and Security from the Regions ; Hybrid – Registration
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