28. Jul 2022 | 19.00 - 20.15 Uhr

28 JUL | OpenTTN Hangout: The EU and its neighbours

OpenTTN Hangout: The EU and its neighbours

Join members from Agora, Foraus, Polis180, and Ponto for a presentation and informal discussion on the EU and its neighbourhood.

The EU’s neighbours are pulling themselves closer and further away at the same time. On the one hand, Ukrainians (and others on Europe’s Eastern rim) are seeking membership of the bloc. On the other hand, 2021 saw the UK become the first ex-member state and Switzerland end formal talks on a more institutional framework agreement with the Union. Meanwhile, policy makers and politicians – including, recently, French President Emmanuel Macron – are debating the best way to manage relations with countries in Europe but outside of the EU.

What do these neighbourhood states tell us about Europe in 2022? How should the EU engage with them? Which issues need raising and addressing by the IR research community?

Join your fellow think tank members to debate these questions and more! A short presentation will be followed by a Q&A and discussion. Open to all Open Think Tank Network members.

Register through Eventbrite!

This event is hosted by Agora one of the Open Think Tank Network members.

If you have any further question contact kira.schroedel@polis180.org

Looking forward to see you!

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