09. Jul 2020 | 18.00 - 19.15 Uhr

9 JUL | Belarus: a nervous system?

Event Series I Belarus: a nervous system?

In light of the presidential elections on 9 August in Belarus, we invite you to join us for the first of three events in our series “Belarus: a nervous system?”.

Belarus‘ poor handling of the corona crisis and the heavy-handed response in the early stage of the presidential elections have led to growing discontent, demonstrations, and arrests. How will the regime handle the elections and the palpable discontent?

Guests of the first discussion are:

Artyom Shraibman, independent analyst & journalist in Minsk
Hanna Liubakova, freelance journalist and media trainer in Minsk

Moderation: Mattia Nelles, Center for Liberal Modernity (LibMod)

Within three consecutive events, we do not only want to take a deeper look at the repressive state action and police violence against President Lukashenka’s political opponents and their supporters, but we also want to understand the wave of solidarity and activism that is emerging throughout the country.

This event is jointly organized by Polis180, LibMod – Zentrum Liberale Moderne and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus.

Please register here.

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