22. Okt 2018 | 18.30 - 20.30 Uhr
Café Playing with Eeels

22 Oct | Polis Teatime – The Implications of a Modernized US Nuclear Program for Europe

Polis Teatime

The Implications of a modernized US Nuclear Program for Europe


Rebecca Hersman, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Director, Project on Nuclear Issues, and Senior Advisor, International Security Program

The Trump Administration follows a different agenda in its nuclear program than the previous one by aiming to modernize and increase its arsenal. During our next Polis teatime, we want to discuss the implications of this changed strategy for Europe and Germany with our guest speaker, Ms. Hersman. Who is the US primarily aiming to deter with the update of its ‘tactical’ nuclear weapons stationed in Europe? How has the Trump Administration taken into consideration recent discussions on europeanizing the French nuclear arsenal? And what role is there for Germany?

Rebecca Hersman is director of the Project on Nuclear Issues and senior adviser for the International Security Program. Ms. Hersman joined CSIS in April 2015 from the Department of Defense (DOD), where she served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for countering weapons of mass destruction (WMD) since 2009. In this capacity, she led DOD policy and strategy to prevent WMD proliferation and use, reduce and eliminate WMD risks and respond to WMD dangers. Ms. Hersman was a key leader on issues ranging from the nuclear security summit to the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons to the global health security agenda. She holds an M.A. in Arab studies from Georgetown University and a B.A. from Duke University.

As a grassroots think tank Polis180 wants to enable the young generation to participate in political discourse. Thus, our teatimes will focus on your questions! Please feel free to enjoy tea, coffee, biscuits and hopefully some food for thought. 

We are looking forward to your contributions and presence!

The America(n)s & the European Defense- & Security Program


Rebecca Hersman is hosted by the Embassy of the United States in Berlin. We are thankful to the embassy for providing us the opportunity to speak to her. 

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