Eastern Partnership – Eastern Perspectives


Eastern Partnership Eastern Perspectives

10 years Eastern Partnership (EaP) – time to reflect!

The EU’s Eastern Partnership from a grassroots perspective: What are young people’s thoughts in Partnership countries? How is the EaP perceived? What needs to be done?

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine are the European Union’s Eastern Neighbours – a region in motion, especially in the light of contemporary developments in East-West relations. What is the relationship the European Union (EU) seeks with these actors, and how do they navigate their interests on the geopolitical marketplace the region is subject to? With the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership we are now at a turning point which will determine relations in the years to come. This should motivate us to strive for a comprehensive picture of what is going on: from different perspectives!

When the Eastern Partnership (EaP) was launched in 2009, it was meant to provide a policy-framework through which the EU develops strategic relations with its Eastern neighbours. As a distinct dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), the EaP applies a dual approach, combining on the one hand multilateral cooperation within the region with bilateral relations between individual EaP-countries and the EU on the other. Thus, the partnership aims at pushing structural reforms in the region, as well as economic integration and political association with the EU.

Today, more than 10 years later, the EU takes the initiative to reflect. While the European Commission is evaluating the EaP more or less behind closed doors, we want to open the policy discussion by giving a voice to six young policy-experts from the region. This project neither seeks to ruminate on high-level statements nor to display an overall picture of the EaP. It intends to bring in grassroots perspectives from people on the ground.

Therefore, parallel to the EU’s review process, we will fill the upcoming six weeks until the Eastern Partnership Summit in June 2020 with six individual essays – each focusing on the situation in one of the partner countries. For a brief recapitulation on the EaP, have a look at our brief introductory assessment which sums up the current stage of the initiative from an EU-centered perspective. Our closing statement at the end of this series sums up key messages and thoughts for a fuller picture, enriched by the perspectives presented here.

Photo by European Union, 2017 (detail)


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