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New political perspectives for Taiwan after the COVID-19 Pandemic

For decades, Taiwan has been struggling for international recognition, becoming increasingly isolated politically. Yet its widely praised management of the COVID-19 crisis may have opened new doors for diplomatic ties. A year into the pandemic, we take a look at the background of Taiwan’s current international standing, and how new bilateral cooperation initiatives might lead to more political support for its independence.

A Comment by Sophie Bisping

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Ghosn, the Taylors and the Japanese criminal justice system

In addition to the politics of alliances of industrial „national champions“, the case of Carlos Ghosn has again shed light on the Japanese criminal justice system. So much so, that the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has issued a report in which it condemns the legal and executive practices used by prosecutors in the Ghosn-case. The fact that the UN is weighing in also stresses the high-profile nature of the case itself and its international relevance.

A Comment by Lars Feyen and Paul Guthmann

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