Georgia’s youth is taking European association to another level

In this article, we highlight the role of Germany and #EU2020DE in the framework of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) with a focus on Georgia and our ongoing project #GEOYOUTH2020 – ‘Manifesto Engaging Youth in Politics in Georgia’, while discussing the role of funding for civil society cooperation to support democratisation processes in the region.

A Comment by AK Glück and Frauke Seebass

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O Captain! My Captain! – Navigating e-learning and its pitfalls

Remote working is hardly limited to paid labour or office work. Many people all over the globe spent their time working in education: in schools, universities, or vocational schools. Rising Covid-19 cases and consequential lockdowns in various countries forced educational institutions to adapt to a new way of management and teaching at an unprecedented scale. Often with varying degrees of success.

A Comment by Christoph M. Abels and Nicole Stein 

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21 OCT | #GEOYOUTH2020 Presentation and Discussion on Youth Participation in Politics

On 21 October, the team of #GEOYOUTH2020 invited experts and representatives of youth organisations to join our presentation of the Youth Manifesto which had been presented to party representatives in Tbilisi already in September. With the elections in Georgia less than two weeks away, speculations of future coalitions and consequences for the country’s youth were chief among the discussions in the Berlin Federal Centre for Political Education (LpB) and online.

Political apathy in Georgia: Why don’t young people vote?

As the 2020 Parliamentary Elections approach, low electoral and political participation among young people remains an issue. Topics of interest to young people are rarely addressed – either in party rhetoric, or at the level of governing. Additionally, young people, whose votes could influence the elections results, often do not participate in the electoral process – what is the reason for their low electoral participation?

A Comment by Nino Samkharadze

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Event Report | Feminism(s)| Part II: Feminism in China

Many women in China still feel strong societal pressure to conform to conservative gender roles and their freedom of expression is limited. We have spoken to Dr. Qi Wang about the issues that Chinese women face and how they are trying to change them. Read our event report!

Polis Brief N° 20 | Zwischen Kindeswohl und Kindeswohlgefährdung

Junge Flüchtlinge wird der Zugang zu psychotherapeuthischen Angeboten durch strukturelle Hürden und lange Wartezeiten erschwert. Die Unterbringung in Sammelunterkünften erhöht häufig deren psychische Belastung. Dieser Polis-Blog erklärt, warum die Bundesregierung die psychische Versorgung von geflüchteten Minderjährigen verbessern muss.

Café Amerikana: Vizepräsidentschafts-Debatte in den USA – eine Schnellanalyse

In dieser Episode von Café Amerikana fassen Lucian Bumeder und Henrik Hansen die markantesten Momente der Vizepräsidentschafts-Debatte zwischen Kamala Harris und Mike Pence zusammen. Unmittelbar nach Ende der TV-Übertragung geben sie so eine erste Einschätzung zum Auftritt der Kandidat*innen – und zur Bedeutung für den Wahlkampf.