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8. November 2019

“Polis180 goes OpenTTN”

OpenTTN – a tongue twister within the Polis180’s cosmos? For sure not. Much more it is the acronym for “Open Think Tank Network”, our international network that connects grassroots and participative think tanks from Paris, Vienna, London, Zurich and – of course – Berlin for a couple of years already.

A Comment by Laura Menzel and Lydia Wachs


So what is the vision and purpose of the OpenTTN and how is it filled with life? 

By using new tools and digital means (e.g. Policy Kitchen), young think tanks and its individual members strive to facilitate cooperation to create innovative foreign policy solutions relevant across national borders. 

Our latest example is a publication on future-oriented European digitisation policies which we developed together with our Austrian partner Ponto based on the outcome of several workshops that were held in Austria and Germany in spring 2019 as well as the use of the online platform Policy Kitchen.

All member think tanks are committed to pursuing open debate and discussions around highly relevant issues in international affairs. Together, we have more than ten years of experience in building open think tanks all around Europe. 

Thus, we use the knowledge and creativity that is generated by a diverse group of participants and share best practices, experiences and expertise to improve the work of our think tanks.

You would like to hear more about our friends within the OpenTTN?  – You are wondering which role Polis180 plays within the network? – And you do not know how we actually cooperate with Argo from Paris, foraus from Zurich, Ponto from Vienna and Agora from London? 


Then stay tuned: Over the coming months we will regularly publish blog articles written by members from our respective partner think tanks. So follow our journey through Europe and learn more about the OpenTTN!


Laura holds an MA in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin and works as a policy advisor in the German Parliament. As board member of Polis180, she strives to establish a strong international network with Polis’ European sister think tanks and strategically encourage the think tanks’ international cooperation.


Lydia is currently an MA student in Arms Control & International Security at King’s College London. She is a member of the board of Polis180 & editor of the Polis Blog. Together with Laura she is committed to enhancing the work and cooperation within the international network (OpenTTN) from her base in London.

The Polis Blog serves as a platform at the disposal of Polis180’s members. Published comments express solely the authors’ opinions and shall not be confounded with the opinions of the editors or of Polis180.

Image via Cherie Hansson
