Café Amerikana – Die Nahostpolitik der USA in der Ära von Trump: Kontinuität oder Kehrtwende? Teil II

In der zehnten Folge von “Café Amerikana” diskutieren wir mit Peter Rough über die Veränderungen der US-amerikanischen Nahostpolitik und das Aufkommen anderer Akteure in der Region. Ebenfalls erläutert er das unterschiedliche Verständnis Europas und der Vereinigten Staaten in Grundsatzfragen der Außenpolitik.

Super Election Year in Latin America: Peace, Polls & Populism

2018 marks a decisive year for Latin America with six presidential elections that will reshape the political landscape for the foreseeable future. As the continent shifts to the right and female political leaders depart, the backlash against gender equality and LGBTQ rights becomes inevitable.

A Comment by Lena Riemer

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The Colombian Transformation Process: Why Gender is Key

The end of the Colombian civil war in 2016 and the transformation of the FARC guerrilla into a political party has been met with international praise, especially with regards to the inclusive process focusing on women’s perspectives. While their role is crucial, consequent political events threaten to put this ambitious project in jeopardy.

A Comment by Frauke Seebass

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Russia’s Opposition Drama: Drop the Boycott or Drop the Ballot

A unified democratic opposition could send an important message to the ruling elites in Russia. However, the opposition is deeply divided over the question whether to boycott the elections or go to the ballot. While there is no correct answer to this question, splitting the already tiny democratic camp is definitely the wrong one.

A Comment by Anastasia Vishnevskaya

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