PolisReflects – Journal für internationale Beziehungen

Das Magazin

Im Journal PolisReflects veröffentlichen halbjährlich Studierende ihre Hausarbeiten zu unterschiedlichen Themen aus dem Bereich Internationale Politik. So ermöglichen wir ihnen, mit ihren häufig hervorragenden und innovativen Arbeiten, wichtige Debatten in Wissenschaft oder Politik anzustoßen und mitzugestalten.

Über ein Peer-Review-Verfahren, das von fortgeschrittenen und Nachwuchs-WissenschaftlerInnen begleitet wird, verfeinern die Studierenden ihre Arbeiten und schreiben sie in anspruchsvolle Fachartikel um. Durch das Feedback unterstützen wir Studierende im Lernprozess und führen sie an das wissenschaftliche Publizieren heran.

Zusätzlich werden in unserem Journal visuelle Werke veröffentlicht. Dabei kann es sich um Foto-Essays, Generative Kunst oder traditionelle Gemälde handeln.

Call for papers – From Feminist Theory to Feminist Foreign Policy

Feminist approaches to foreign policy are both brand new as well as decades old forms of critique of the status quo of state-centred, masculine-dominated and militarised international politics. Feminists around the world take to the streets to fight against imbalance and injustice. In 2014, built on years of work by activists, civil society and scholars, the Swedish Government declared the first Feminist Foreign Policy. In 2021, the German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock followed suit and made a feminist foreign policy for Germany one of the cornerstones of her politics. The Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development shortly thereafter also committed itself to feminist development policy.

In this edition of PolisReflects, we are looking for your contributions that critically analyse various aspects of feminist foreign policy and its implementation from different perspectives. We present our upcoming special issue “From Feminist Theory to Feminist Foreign Policy” and invite you to submit your manuscripts until January 31st 2022!
Please find more details at the link below.

Fall 2023: Democracy in Turmoil

Welcome to the third edition of PolisReflects! This edition delves into ‚Democracy in Turmoil,‘ shedding light on the intricate complexities surrounding democratic developments globally.

Featuring academic articles and expert interviews, the third edition of Polis Reflects explores the challenges faced by democratic systems worldwide. Contributors discuss struggles against democratic erosion, paths to democratic consolidation in Arab nations, influences on populist behavior, and effective strategies for countering disinformation.

We extend our gratitude to our authors, interviewees, reviewers, and Designers for Diversity for their invaluable contributions to this insightful edition.

Spring 2022: Digital Souvereignity

We are proud to present to you the second edition of PolisReflects: our special issue on “Digital Sovereignty”. Not least since many of us spend our working days in video calls or study remotely, digital technologies play an ever-increasing role in society. The COVID-19 pandemic, which turned physical meetings into an unacceptable risk in many contexts, has only accelerated this fundamental trend, transforming not only individual lives but also society, business and the state.

The concept of “Digital Sovereignty” reflects the tensions which come with this transformation: It juxtaposes sovereignty, the core component of the Westphalian international order, with the new digital world where many old concepts do not seem to hold anymore. In some cases, platforms such as Google, Amazon or Facebook, as well as manufacturers of hardware, software and components can be more powerful than individual states. In others, governments successfully export their model of internet governance far beyond their borders. What started out as a global open communication network is increasingly fragmented and governed by cross-cutting rules.

At the same time, “Digital Sovereignty” allows for new questions about the notion of sovereignty itself: Can citizens be sovereign in the digital space, for instance by controlling how their data is used? If public discourse increasingly depends on privately owned digital platforms, should these companies be held to state-like standards, such as freedom of speech?

Fall 2020: Unheard Crises

We are proud to present the first issue of PolisReflects on “Unheard Crises”. Amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, other, more silent crises are often overlooked. At the same time, ongoing tensions have been exacerbated in many contexts around the world. For this first issue, we therefore invited student authors to shed light on an Unheard Crisis of their choice.

The seven outstanding articles in this issue are the best proof that young voices have a contribution to make. They reflect the diversity of Unheard Crises around the world, thematically, geographically, and in their theoretical approaches.

We hope you enjoy the read!

Editorial Board

Fragen oder Lust, mitzumachen?

Bei Fragen zum Magazin, zu Kooperationsmöglichkeiten, falls du Lust hast, an der Gestaltung mitzuwirken, und zu allen anderen Themen freuen wir uns über eine Nachricht an:

E-Mail: polisreflects@polis180.org

Teresa Becher
Maximilian Dühr
Adrian Eppel
Etienne Höra
Nico Otten
Nora Wacker

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash