07. Mär 2017 | 18.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Playing with Eels

7 MAR | Polis Teatime on Brexit media narratives

On 23 June 2016, 52% of voters decided that the UK should leave the EU after more than 40 years of membership. But the referendum was not only a political decision – it truly divided British society between „Leavers“ and „Remainers“. The driving force: Excellent political campaigns and clear media narratives.

What kind of messages and slogans were used by the media? How did the Leave campaign manage to portray the EU as a „superstate“ and a „box of money“? And above all: What tactics were used by both campaigns to influence the outcome of a the referendum, and of the future of Britain?

We would like to invite you to discuss these issues with our guest Jon Worth. He is a renowned blogger and has over 20,000 Followers on Twitter. He blogs and tweets on EU politics, Brexit and German politics. He is widely quoted in the media and regularly features as commentator on the Guardian and POLITICO.

The langue of this event will be English.

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