06. Okt 2016 | 09.30 - 17.30 Uhr

6 OCT | PEACELAB2016 – Workshop: Youth In Conflict



Foreign Minister Steinmeier recently called Germany a „reflective power„, aware of its past but knowing of its new responsibility in the world. However, how do we define this new responsibility in concrete terms? Polis180 calls for a future-orientated German foreign policy and therefore highlights the issue of „youth in conflict“.

Workshop on Youth in Conflict
6 October 2016 9:30am – 5:30pm
@ Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin

In the spring of 2017, the Federal Government will pass a new guidelines document on crisis prevention, stabilisation and peacebuilding. Polis180 gets involved! Together we want to develop creative ideas to be included in the document. And we need YOU to do so!

The goal of the working groups will be to draft policy recommendations that should be included in the new Federal Government policy guidelines. The results of the workshop will be summarized in a report, as well as presented in a short animated video.

This is going to happen during our workshop

Amir Ben Ameur, Post Conflict Advisor at UN-Habitat Youth Advisory Board, will open the discussion with a keynote entiteled Youth as an unexplored potential for peace and prosperity.

The Keynote will be followed by a workshop, on three main topics, which will be discussed in three different working groups: 

  • 1) Youth in Conflict: Youth in the context of violent conflicts
  • 2) Youth in Peace: Youth in the context of peaceful settlement and conflict transformation
  • 3) Youth and Germany: Youth in Conflict in the context of Germanys foreign and development policy

Dr. Jared L. Ordway, Senior Dialogue Facilitator with the Berghof Foundation, Nizar Sarieldin, Journalist and former Research Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and Sölvi Karlsson, Leading Coordinator at United Network of Young Peacebuilders will accompany the working groups and will provide further input. Furthermore, representatives from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) will be attending the event and will conclude the workshop with final remarks.

In kind assistance with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office.

The application process is closed.

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