25. Nov 2016 | 18.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Playing with Eels

NOV 25 | POLIS TEATIME with Herr & Speer

Let’s explore one idea to shape the European project: #FreeInterrail! Mobility is a key element to foster intercultural exchange, international friendships, and European integration. Through our travels, we realized the transformative power of getting to explore different places first-hand and actually meeting up with people from different backgrounds in person. Nothing makes us more European than actually seeing each other face-to-face. But is the idea feasible? What are the objections and alternatives? Polis180 will critically explore this increasingly prominent idea. At the same time we want to know: what are the lessons learned for other projects in and from civil society?


The Problem

Not everybody gets to travel. In fact, many Europeans, including plenty of young ones, barely get to leave their country. For many people, traveling is too expensive and thus not integral part of their lives. As a consequence, some people get to explore Europe first-hand, while other do not get that opportunity. The result is a tremendous imbalance of experiences that can lead to splits in societies, even xenophobia, and scepticism of a shared European future.

The Idea

Every European youth gets a free Interrail voucher for his or her 18th birthday. The voucher is valid for six years and can be turned in for a one-month Interrail pass at any train station. The vouchers would be provided by European Commission.

Register for the event in order to engage in a dialogue with Vincent-Immanuel Herr and Martin Speer! 


If you want to learn more about these two outstanding individuals, just visit their website:

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