25. Mai 2016 | 17.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Hertie School of Governance

25 MAY | International cooperation in times of Clinton and Trump

Mount Rushmore

In cooperation with the U.S. Embassy, Polis180 kindly invites you to participate in the

Scenario-Building Workshop

with a Key Note Speech by Former U.S. Ambassador Derek Shearer on “Impact of Electoral Outcomes on Global Cooperation”

May 25th, 2016, 5 – 8 pm Hertie School of Governance, Room 2.61

April 2017. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton have served their first 100 days as the 45th president of the United States. In France, Marine Le Pen overruns all her opponents in the elections and the polls already crown her as the first woman to the head of state. While the international community is in shock in view of the recent developments and the media spreads panic all over the world, Europe’s conservatives fall into a state of euphoria, pushing even more right-wing parties up the polls. Which challenges and consequences will the international community encounter?

The Scenario

The workshop will use fictional, yet realistic, scenarios of foreign policy relevance to reflect on conflicts and effectiveness of cooperation between the U.S. and Europe. Participants will then discuss two possible scenarios: a deteriorating situation in the Middle East and a strengthening of mutual economic and political cooperation between Russia and China.

The Aim

The simulation will allow participants to explore and discuss the effects of electoral outcomes on international cooperation. This discussion will give insights into the effects of different combinations of electoral outcomes and how they are conducive to cooperation and which conflicts consequently arise.

The Application

As only limited spots are available, please apply by answering the following questions (max. 250 words each, please use the „Kommentar“-function):

  1. In your opinion, which electoral outcome has drastically changed the international political landscape in the last 50 years and why?
  2. Do you agree with the following statement and why (not): “Global cooperation promises more than it can achieve.”

Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung geschlossen.

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