Globale Fragen Gender und Internationale Politik
27. Feb 2024 | 19.00 - 21.00 Uhr
Berlin Global village

Europa kocht! – FFP x EU: A Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union

We warmly invite you to the last installment of our Project Europa kocht! During an evening of cooking we will discuss:
FFP x EU: A Feminist Foreign Policy for the European Union – Too many cooks spoil the broth?!

There has never been a more opportune time to implement an EU Feminist Foreign Policy.CFFP


In the aftermath of Sweden’s implementation of a feminist foreign policy (FFP) in 2014, various actors have adopted or committed to adopt a FFP approach to their foreign policy. While FFP has been solely implemented by nation-states, debates concerning the implementation of a FFP at the EU-level have become more prominent in recent years.

Arguing that a window of opportunity has opened for the EU to commit to a FFP approach, the CFFP has published a study concluding that a FFP approach would strengthen the EU’s core values stated in article 2 of the Treaty on European Union: “respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities”. However, the EU has not yet signaled a shift towards an implementation of a FFP despite certain Members of the European Parliament’s attempts.

As part of our Gender & International Politics’ project Feminist Foreign Policy(s): An On-Going Journey through Global Policies and in the face of the upcoming European election, we want to discuss how far the EU is able to implement a FFP approach to its foreign policy. What could a FFP for the EU look like? What strategies could be employed to institutionalize FFP principles within the EU’s foreign policy framework? This discussion must take into account the internal barriers to the implementation of a FFP for the EU such as EU institutions like the European External Action Service and the EU’s dependency on its member states. But also non-state actors are relevant actors when it comes to FFP. Hence, how might the EU collaborate with international organizations, NGOs, and civil society groups to advance a feminist foreign policy agenda?
Additionally, the relation between FFP as a normative, rights-based and comprehensive policy approach and the EU and its normative power should be looked at more closely. As the EU’s core values intersect with FFP’s normative foundation, the EU might profit from the adoption of a FFP approach if implemented sustainably and in earnest. However, will the upcoming election pave the way for a FFP for the EU or will it push the EU further away from the possibility of adopting a FFP? Will too many cooks spoil the broth or does the EU’s complexity and its diverse members bear potential for a holistic FFP approach?


We are happy to welcome as speakers:


Leonie Stamm (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP))
Leonie Stamm has been a research fellow at DGAP since November 2021. She works on topics related to feminist foreign policy, particularly its implementation in a German context and its implications for the international order and multilateral relations. Previously, Leonie Stamm worked at the Körber Foundation in the department of international affairs. In her studies, Leonie Stamm focused on German and international foreign and security policy, as well as on feminist foreign policy; gender and security; and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda, in particular its implementation in Lebanon. 




We are looking forwards to discussing EUxFFP with you while cooking and eating dinner together!


Sign up for our event via Eventbrite. Please do not hesitate to contact in case of questions.


We want to thank our sponsor the Regierender Bürgermeister of Berlin for funding this project.


This event may also be photographed and video-recorded, and published on social media channels and online video-sharing platforms such as YouTube.

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