30. Dez 2016 | 00.00 - 23.59 Uhr
FORAUS global

30. DEC | CALL FOR IDEAS | Europe. Think. Again

On Saturday 25th of March 2017, it has been 60 years since the Treaty of Rome, establishing the European Economic Community, was signed. On this occasion, foraus global is publishing a short collection of ideas to reform European cooperation. To collect these proposals, foraus global launches an international call for ideas.

60 years after its foundation, the EU may have come to a critical crossroads, where it needs to develop both a new vision for political integration and become comfortable with the idea of providing strategic partnerships for countries that wish less integration. 60 years after Rome, we are looking for those ideas necessary to make European cooperation successful for the decades to come.

To participate, please send your idea to global@foraus.ch until Dec. 30th.

We are looking for a short pitch with max. 250 words and we aim at concrete proposals that would really make a difference on how cooperation in Europe works and is perceived by its citizens.

A board of experts and members of foraus global will review the ideas and select the best five. The authors of those ideas will then be asked to flesh out their idea on 1-2 pages. These proposals are going to be published and the selected authors will get the opportunity to present their ideas at public events.

foraus global is a network uniting independent, non-partisan and open think tanks that seek policy solutions through participation and innovation. Polis180 is a member of foraus global.


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