05. Mai 2020 | 18.30 - 21.00 Uhr

5 MAY | Online Film Screening & Discussion: The Feminister

(c) Freetownfilms
(c) Freetownfilms

Online Film Screening & Discussion: The Feminister 

May 5, 2020 | 18.30 – 21.00

On May 5, 2020 we invite you to join us for an exclusive online screening of “The Feminister” – Viktor Nordenskiöld’s 2019 documentary about Margot Wallström, the ground-breaking former foreign minister of Sweden who declared to pursue a feminist foreign policy when she assumed office in 2014 and tried to shake up the male-driven world of international politics.  

The documentary closely follows Wallström throughout her years in office. It highlights the realities of promoting a feminist foreign policy on the international stage, including negotiations with Saudi Arabia, Israel and North Korea, campaigning for a seat at the United Nations Security Council and dealing with death threats and intimidation along the way. 

The Feminister

We are looking forward to hosting an online screening through Vimeo, followed by a discussion in which we want to reflect on the documentary, Wallström’s successes and challenges and the implications that her trailblazing work has for the future of feminist foreign policy. We want to focus on our personal reflections and encourage everyone to actively join in on the discussion. 

We will start our online event with a quick introduction via zoom, where you will also get the link to view the documentary. Please register for this event below so we can send you the zoom link via email. 

We look forward to seeing you online! Meanwhile, make sure to check out our feminist foreign policy challenge on the Policy Kitchen platform. Please add your ideas on what a feminist foreign policy should look like in the 2020s!

Any questions? Get in touch at leonie.hopgood@polis180.org or sonja.schiffers@polis180.org

Unfortunately, the event is fully booked. Given that we opened it for an already very large number of guests (200), there is no waiting list this time. Sorry!

*This event is organized by our Gender and International Politics program.

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