03. Aug 2020 | 18.00 - 19.15 Uhr

3 AUG | Belarus: A Nervous System? The Foreign Policy Dimension

Event Series I Belarus: a nervous system?

In light of the presidential elections on 9 August in Belarus, we invite you to join us for the second of three events in our series “Belarus: a nervous system?”.

This time we will shed light on the foreign policy dimension of the upcoming presidential elections and wave of protest and solidarity. We will discuss this issue from three different perspectives: 1) the Belarusian 2) the German and European (EU) and 3) the Russian perspective. What do the Belarusian civil society actors and authorities expect from the international community? What is the Kremlin’s stance on the protest movement? What is Germany’s response on the heavy oppression against protesters and opposition candidates – in particular in the light of the German EU Council Presidency?


We will discuss these questions and many more together with our guests:

Jakob Wöllenstein, Director of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Office Belarus

Yauheni Preiherman, Founder & Director of the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations

Arkady Moshes, Programme Director at the Finnish Institute for International Affairs

Moderation: Olga Dryndova, Editor at „Belarus-Analysen“ & Polis180


Within three consecutive events, we do not only want to take a deeper look at the repressive state action and police violence against President Lukashenka’s political opponents and their supporters, but we also want to understand the wave of solidarity and activism that is emerging throughout the country and its foreign policy implications.

This event is jointly organized by Polis180, LibMod – Zentrum Liberale Moderne and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus.

Please register here!

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