29. Mär 2017 | 18.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Playing with Eels

29 MAR | Polis Teatime IX: Brexit and Ireland: the implications of a new EU border

Polis Teatime IX: Brexit and Ireland: the implications of a new EU border

Wednesday, 29th of March 2017, 6 pm
@Café Playing with Eels
(Urbanstraße 32, 10967 Berlin)

With the Brexit negotiations about to start through the triggering of Article 50 at the end of March 2017, it is time to discuss an important issue that has not received much attention so far in the Brexit debate: the possible re-instatement of a hard EU border between the UK and Ireland, which would also function as an external border of the EU.

Together with the Ambassador of Ireland to Germany, his Excellency Ambassador Michael Collins, we are going to discuss the potential problems arising from a new EU border on the island of Ireland and how this might affect the British-Irish relationship. Furthermore, we want to have a look at the most important actors involved and their attitudes towards the Brexit negotiations. Which goals do they pursue? Which kind of Brexit outcome do they prefer? Could Brexit lead to new tensions between the North and the South? How would these geopolitical strains influence the rest of the remaining European Union member states?

This Polis Teatime is going to be the first of its kind conducted by the program area „Post-Brexit Europe“ and shall give a short introduction into the topic of how the British exit from the European Union might effect Irish interests as well as relations.

We are looking forward to a fruitful discussion.

Your team from the „Post-Brexit Europe“ program area

PS: Please note that this event will to take place in the English language.

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