28. Nov 2018 | 18.30 - 20.00 Uhr
Zum Adenauer

28 NOV | Polis Fireside Chat: Powerless Europe? The Future of Nuclear Weapons Policy in Europe

Polis Fireside Chat

Powerless Europe?

The Future of Nuclear Weapons Policy in Europe

28 November, 18.30-20.00, Zum Adenauer
Auguststraße 86
10117 Berlin

With Greg Thielmann, Arms Control Association

Nuclear weapons are back on the political agenda: The US and Russia are both intensifying their nuclear sabre-rattling. In the Middle East, the end of the Iran deal could lead to a nuclear arms race and in Asia, North Korea is threatening the West with its new nuclear capabilities. While all of these developments could seriously undermine European security, the European Union has largely been sidelined. On top of all of this, some EU member states will soon have to renew their nuclear support capabilities, at a time when the discussion about the future of the US’ nuclear weapons in Europe is still largely unsolved. How can the EU position itself amidst growing global nuclear tensions? Do the US nuclear weapons have a future in Europe? Could the termination of the INF Treaty lead to new types of nuclear weapons being stationed in Europe or are European states no longer willing to tolerate renewed nuclear proliferation?

Greg Thielmann has served more than three decades in the executive and legislative branches of the US government, where he worked as a Foreign Service Officer and as a senior professional staffer of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI). After seven years as a senior fellow of the Arms Control Association, he joined the organization’s Board in 2016. Thielmann is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Since 2014, he has served on the US-Russian-German “Deep Cuts” Commission, exploring ways to advance arms control objectives. He is a graduate of Grinnell College, from which he received an honorary doctorate in 2009, and of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

This event will focus on your questions and provide ample time for discussion alongside drinks and snacks. We are very thankful to the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, which will host us at its pop-up location „Zum Adenauer“. After the event, attendants are welcome to stay and watch the screening of the Champions Leage game Borrusia Dortmund – FC Brugge.

We are looking forward to the discussion! If you have any questions, feel free to contact paul.vonsalisch@polis180.org.

Please register below.

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