27. Apr 2022 | 12.00 - 13.30 Uhr

27 APR | connectingAsia – Elections in the Philippines

27 April | connectingAsia presents:

SpotlightAsia Live
Elections in the Philippines

SpotlightAsia Live

Lunch Talk – SpotlightAsia Live

SpotlightAsia Live is our new monthly event series where we aim to discuss current and relevant topics from the Indo-Pacific region. We aim to provide information on various cultural, geopolitical, economic and social issues from different countries in the region.
In our next lunch talk we want to discuss with our guest the elections in the Philippines on the 

 27. April 2022 from 12-13:30 (EST) 

Our next edition of Spotlight Asia Live  is coming up!
On April 27, 12 pm (CET) we will be focusing on the elections in the Philippines.
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Cleo Calimbahin, Associate Professor of Political Science at De La Salle University of the Philippines and Raymond Palatino, Chair of the Kabataan (Youth) Party and Filipino writer, journalist, and activist.
Together we will highlight the backstory of the elections and discuss the implications for the Indo-Pacific.

The event will be held in English.

If you would like to participate in our online event via Zoom, please sign up . We will send you the Zoom link and log-in details, as well as some background information that will provide context and foundation for our discussion. We look forward to a lively and interesting discussion and hope to see many of you!

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Jonas Nitschke oder Marius Kretzschmar

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