26. Feb 2020 | 19.00 - 21.30 Uhr

26 Feb | Peace Support Pb-Treffen

Peace Support: Open Meeting

Dear Polisians and all those who are interested,

We are relaunching our Peace Support Programme!

The road to world peace is long, and many questions have yet to be answered. How do we create peace in times of crisis and conflict? What are the possibilities for peace-building within and beyond state structures? We want to hear your thoughts, and discuss how you can contribute to this programme area at our relaunch meeting on 26 February 2020 at 7pm, at Laika Bar in Neukölln!

The event will be held in world café format, so we can exchange our interests, develop project ideas and talk about how the programme area should be structured in the future. Of course, we’ll also have plenty of time for personal introductions and chats!

We are curious about your ideas, so come by and contribute – with or without expertise! Everyone is welcome if you would like to inform yourself or join in with an idea of your own.If you are planning on attending, please sign up at the bottom of this page.

Where and when

Date: Wednesday, 26.02.2020

Time: 19:00

Location: Laika (Emser Straße 131, 12051 Berlin)

See you there!

Ivana and Henry

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