26. Nov - 28. Nov 2021

26-28 NOV | #YoungIndoPacific Panels & Workshop

In cooperation with European Guanxi, STEAR, Agora, Foraus, Boyma Institut, Australia China Youth Association, Waseda IR Association, The Young SEAkers and the Open ThinkTank Network, will host multiple panel discussions on topics regarding the European Union’s Indo-Pacific strategy.

We aim to create a European dialogue organised by grassroots and student-led think tanks on the newly announced Indo-Pacific Guideline of the European Union. In this shared event we want to give students and young professionals a voice in international politics and foster a new platform for Asian-European relations.

From Friday to Saturday (26th-27th Nov), there are going to be 5 panels followed by a workshop on Sunday.


The Panels:

1. Security and Geopolitics 

2. Climate Change and Green recovery

3. Human rights and Migration 

4. Technology and Digitisation

5. Trade and beyond


We invite you to join our discussion from the 26th to 28th of November

Please register HERE!

The event will be held in English

If you would like to participate in our online event via Zoom, please sign up below. We will send you the Zoom link and log-in details, as well as some background information that will provide context and foundation for our discussion. We look forward to a lively and interesting discussion and hope to see many of you!

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Jonas Nitschke oder Marius Kretzschmar

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