Programm Digitales
23. Nov 2023 | 19.00 - 21.30 Uhr
Berlin Global Village

Polis kocht! – Digital EUro, CBDC’s and the electronic payments market

The digital age has long since arrived. Transactions and electronic payments are made around the globe. From a small Späti in Berlin to a little restaurant in Italy, from online stores to eBay, from Taiwan to Honduras: everyone uses more and more electronic payments systems. Compared to cash money, for many it is easier and faster.

On October 18th the ECB decided to enter into a preparation phase for the potential issuance of a digital euro. Meanwhile, the electronic payments market is dominated by only a few actors like Visa or Mastercard. From this point of view, we will discuss the idea and potential use of central bank digital currencies, in particular the digital euro. We will also highlight the importance of digital sovereignty, data protection and anonymity. This is all connected to one huge question: How do you wanna pay?

Together with our expert Marek Jessen from ZEVEDI and the Weizenbaum Institute, we will discuss how payments may look in the future. The event will be moderated by Rafael Bürkle (Polis180 e.V. Digital Affairs) and welcomes everyone, especially people with no prior knowledge, to cook and eat and talk together.

Please register via eventbrite for the event.

Das Projekt wird schon im vierten Jahr von der Berliner Landeszentrale für Politische Bildung gefördert. Wir bedanken uns herzlich!


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